His dormitory

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Today was a bad day, a very bad day for Arthit. He must have gotten up from the wrong side of the bed, he thought.

It all started with his alarm not ringing and he woke up with only 20 minutes left for the first class. The reason being- his phone was completely discharged. So, he hurriedly took a bath, skipped breakfast, skipped his pink milk and ran to class. Even then, he was 5 minutes late and the professor being a strict one asked him to come to the next class. Arthit sulked big time.

If that was not enough, his project was returned, for which he worked very hard, and was asked to come again after all his classes ended to make the necessary improvements.

During lunch break he decided to eat fried rice and to his dismay, it was not spicy enough. It pissed him off even more. And then his friends, it was like they were competing on who could irritate him more.

Looking at his angry face Bright commented, "why Arthit, aren't you looking lovely today?" And all of them snickered, even Knott.

Arthit felt betrayed and snapped, " who wouldn't after seeing your face?"
"Woah, calm down Arthit, are you on your periods?", Said Prem. 

" No, it's just am having a bad day", sighed Arthit.

"Here, drink this and relax", Knott said offering him the pink milk.
Arthit instantly brightened and happily sipped his drink. Well, there is a reason Knott is his best friend, thought Arthit.

Then last class came and they were handed over their test sheets, in which he barely passed. His mood soured again because he did studied for that.

And then after class when he went to that teacher to discuss his project, it took a long time because she was very fussy. Even then they were not done and was asked to come again.

So by the time he was ready to go home, it was already 5 pm. When he came out of the building, it was windy and looked like it will rain in another 5 minutes.

Great just great. Exactly what I needed, muttered Arthit grumpily. He was so damn tired, he decided to just stroll down to his home even if it meant getting wet in the rain.

So he just trudged along the campus, cursing everything. Then it started drizzling along with the wind. He looked up to curse the rain, but stopped midway.

When he looked up, he saw him, leaning on the rail of a balcony and talking with someone on the phone. It looked like a shooting of a movie. His hair and clothes flowing in the wind and him looking so picturesque. He was sure his hair must be looking like a bird's nest. As soon as Phana made a movement to turn around, he fled from there. He ran and ran and stopped only when he reached his room.

So he stays in the dormitory, Arthit thought. That means he must be loaded. He was standing on 3rd floor balcony. That means his room is on third floor. So, that's where you live.
Maybe, today was not so bad after all, he thought and smiled.

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