1 - New Year, New Life

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It's the first day at a new high school. I don't know anyone, but that's a good thing. That means no one knows me or knows anything about me except maybe my name. Nothing important.

I drove up and parked my very old small car into one of the parking spaces. As I walked in I noticed a few glances, nothing that I wasn't used to. I had changed my appearance, or at least how I dressed to how I had wanted to dress at my old school, but people would have made fun of me for doing so. I knew why I was getting the glances too, it was because I was new. I did it, they were doing it now, we've all done at one point or another. It's just because there's a new face we haven't seen before, so naturally, we want to look and see.

I had my schedule and saw that the first thing I had to go to was science. More specifically physics. Ugh. Honestly, science wasn't a bad subject. But I really disliked physics. I don't know why, but it just got to me. Maybe because the teacher at my old school was really mean and strict, and while strict is a good thing, it was just so overbearing. Like if you got one question wrong on a test you immediately got a B. It was insane. His class basically meant I had no time for any other homework other than his. I hoped this year would be different.

I kept my head up, trying to look confident and not as nervous and shy as I was feeling inside as I walked these unfamiliar halls. Also, I just wanted to be able to get a good look at everyone's face. There was one group that really stood out to me. It clicked at once. The popular group. More importantly the popular girls. Well, that was no surprise. It seemed as though every high school had a popular girls group. Though there were some guys hanging out in that group, I figured that they were just the boyfriends of some of the girls in that group. That's usually the case.

Being the clumsy person that I am, and being so caught up in my thoughts tripped. Great. I guess that will be the same wherever I go. Bracing myself for the hard floor and all the humiliation that would come with it, I then realized that it never came. Opening my eyes I realized that, in fact, I had been caught, By who I don't know, or at least didn't know. I looked up to see these beautiful light blue almost grey eyes, with a few freckles on the nose. Looking up higher I saw the beautiful brown hair that I just wanted to run my hands through.

Snap out of it! Ugh. Stand up already he probably think you're weird. Like honestly Madison. Pull yourself together. I stood up quickly, turning to face him.

Oh, those eyes.

"Hello." his voice was soft but deep, like a voice I would like to hear during a lecture.

"H-hi." I don't even want to know why I was stammering. This was a big school, I probably wouldn't see him again anyway.

"These floors are bumpy, you'll get used to them as time goes on." He kind of laughed, I did too, just a little.

"May I ask your name?" The words came slowly out of his mouth, but not so slowly that it was annoying. Honestly, I would much rather have a slow talker than a fast talker who I can never understand what they're saying because it just sounds like jibberish.

"Yeah, I'm Madison, er, everyone calls me Madi." Great. Just what I need. He asked for your name, not what everyone calls you! Just stop talking and only answer the question. You need to get to class. Right. Class. Ugh.

"Nice to meet you Madi, I don't normally get to meet people by catching them from falling, though it is nice to change it up a bit." Shoot. I forgot to ask what his name was. Maybe I should ask now? I don't know. But he does have a good sense of humor I think. I don't know. Thoughts are just coming up all over my head. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.

"Er, um, what's your name?" Very subtle. Good job. You've really made a great impression now haven't you? Not even a day at this school and you've already gotten one person to think you're weird. Great.

"Ha, a little out of order, but like I said, change is somewhat a good thing. I'm Liam." A perfect name for a perfect body er, personality! Wait, what? I've barely met the guy. Ok just stop. Now.

"Well, I'd better be going to class, but I'm sure I'll see you around." With that, I gave a little wave, turned, and left. All I could see in my mind was his beautiful face when I looked up. I hadn't even realized he was next to me as I was walking by. He's got great reflexes though. Like damnnnn.

To my surprise, when I sat down in the one remaining seat in physics I looked to my left, then to my right, then butterflies started soaring through my stomach, trying to escape.


Heyo! So this is a new book obviously, and the chapters that follow will be a little long than this one, which I think will be better. Let me know if this is a good length or not. I hope to update regularly, or at least more consistent, like at least once every weekday unless I have a vacation.

Hope you like the rest of the story!


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