3- I Guess I'll Thank You

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The message I had received was from Blake, this guy who was basically my boyfriend. I say basically because neither of our parents knew we were "together", and it just sort of happened. Like neither of us actually asked the other one out. However, I'm glad that he never asked me out because he was lying cheater son of a gun. He started off so sweet and kind like I was the only thing he really truly cared about. Well, he was pretty good at acting all of that, and I was dumb enough to fall for it. 

We had been a thing for a couple of months, and when I finally confronted him about it he said that it had been going on about a week after we had gotten "together". Now I know technically this isn't exactly cheating when two people aren't actually together, but when it's close enough, and it feels like you're dating it can be classified as cheating in some way. So this counts. 

You're probably wondering what he actually did, though you probably already figured a part of it out already. Blake cheated. On me, with this stuck up princess named Zoey. She has curly reddish hair, but not super curly that it sticks out, but curly enough to call it curly, and not wavy. She has dark green eyes, and although I loathe her, they are kind of pretty. She had a few freckles just on her nose, but because she always wore a crap ton of makeup, you couldn't really tell she had them. In fact, when I found out she had freckles was when my whole grade was at a pool party, and makeup doesn't really stay on well in the water. 

Anyways, this was who he was cheating on me with. It was kind of sad honestly, and now that I look back on it it makes me laugh. If he was going to cheat on me, couldn't it have been with someone a little better than her? Like seriously, wow. 

Here's the message Blake sent, and boy, it was strange.

"Hey, Madi. I know what I did was wrong, and I really miss you. Would you mind coming back to me? Please? I'll do whatever you ask me to do to prove that I'll be loyal this time. P.S I know you blocked my number, but I got a new phone along with a new number, so that's how I'm able to text you ;)"

I could already tell he was lying. He wasn't sorry, he just wanted me back, and to think he was sorry. How do I know this? Because he went out with his friends one night and got drunk, making me have to go pick him up. I told him not to do that anymore, and he apologized. A couple nights later he did the same thing, and I had to go pick him up. I shouldn't have though, I should've left him there, and try to get back on his own. Then maybe I wouldn't have had to go through the things I did go through. But back then I was so nice and would do anything for someone I cared about, and for someone who I thought cared about me.

I didn't text him back. I had to think up some response before I replied with anything. I'll tell Laura about this, maybe she could help me think of something. She was always good with this sort of thing. Laura is my best friend from my old school, who I love to pieces. She'll do just about anything for her friends, but can be a little pushy sometimes, which isn't always a bad thing. 

She picks up on the first ring, and I tell her all about what had happened that day, about Liam, then the text from Blake, and then finally ask her what I should respond with. I left out the parts about my parents most likely getting a divorce because that would only worry her. We talked about a response for a while, finally deciding on something (you'll have to wait and see). Then she just randomly asks me a question, and it goes something like this:

"Hey, so I'm going to this party at our school tonight, and you're allowed to bring a plus one if you want, and you're coming with me." She said it as if the decision had already been made, which to her, it had.

"I dunno, I'm not really a party person..." I trailed off, I knew I wasn't going to change her mind about this, but I had to put up some sort of fight.

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