9-This is Fun

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For the first time in my life, I felt like things were actually okay. We had a plan. Everything was going to be fine. We would be homeschooled, and then get Blake and Laura out of our lives forever.

It seemed perfect.

My mom cooked dinner while Liam and I got started on this homeschooling website we found that some of our other friends had used who were homeschooled. They definitely recommended it.

We ate dinner, then the two of us went up to my room. About ten minutes later my head began to throb, and my stomach felt a little uneasy. Maybe I was nervous? But it wasn't long until I was rushing to the bathroom and threw up. Did it have something to do with the food? Then again, we had this a lot of the time, and nothing like this had ever happened before.

Could I be sick? That's a possibility.

A couple minutes later Liam knocked in the door. I had gotten cleaned up, but my head was still throbbing, right in the back of my eyes. Must be a migraine, I thought and sighed. I had only ever gotten a migraine once before, they were not fun. I found out it was because I was dehydrated. But I couldn't be now, I was drinking 2-3 bottles of water per day, how could I be dehydrated?

I mumbled a come in and Liam entered. He saw me clutching at my stomach with one hand, and my head in the other.

"Are you okay?" He sounded really concerned.

"I- I think I'm just getting sick, maybe the flu." I tried to sound calm like it was no big deal.

"Okay, well, just tell me if you need anything, alright?" This is why I cared about him so dang much, he was so nice.

"I think right now all I need is some sleep."

"Alright, darling, just wake me up if you need anything in the night."

I hugged him and went into my room. I closed the curtains to make the room as dark as possible, snuggled under the covers, and closed my eyes. Liam would be sleeping in my brother's room while he was at college, so he didn't have to sleep on the floor.

I woke up at 2 in the morning, as soon as I opened my eyes, even though it was completely dark, my head began to throb again. Ugh. Yeah, I was definitely sick. But then my stomach did a flip flop, and I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I didn't get there in time and threw up all over the floor. Yuck.

Even with my head pounding, I cleaned it up. It hurt even more than last night after dinner. I had never been sick like this, even when I had the flu previous years.

Soon I heard mom knocking on the door. She must've heard me running to the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" How many times would I hear that today? Or, well, technically it was the morning.

"I'm fine, I think I just have the flu or something."

"Can I come in?"

"Sure, if you want."

When she came in, she had this really sympathetical look in her eyes.

"Why don't you let me clean this up, and you can get some sleep."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded, I loved my mom, I don't know what I'd do without her. She was just amazing.

I shuffled back to my room and silently closed the door, got under my covers, and closed my eyes again. This had to be the worst sickness I've ever had.

Probably the worst thing I had before this was when I was eight. I had really bad flu during Thanksgiving, so bad that we couldn't even go to Pennsylvania like we usually did. I think I threw up twice in one day but didn't the rest of the week. I hadn't had any migraines, I was just really sore. That's why this was so weird. I hated migraines. Even though I'd only had one once before, I knew I hated them. They were just so painful.

I woke up to Liam shaking me awake.

"What time is it?" I mumbled

"1 in the afternoon, sleepy head."

I moaned and covered my head with my pillow.

"I'm so tired!" I groaned.

"Well, you aren't going to wake up at all if you keep laying in bed!" He had a good point, and usually, I would've gotten up, but I could feel my head begin to ache again, and that just made me not want to get up.

Then I thought, did I want him to worry? No. So then I would have to get up, to make sure that he wouldn't worry. Because I was fine. Just sick. That's all. This would all be over in about a week, I just needed fresh air, water, and nice sleep. Then I'd be fine!

I groaned again and got out of bed. My mouth still tasted horrible since early that morning, so I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair, and wash my face. Maybe all I needed was to take care of myself, and this would all go away. Just like a normal sickness. I decided that's what it had to be. Since I had been so worried the last few days because of Blake and Laura, I hadn't really been taking good care of myself.

After getting dressed Liam, my mom and I went for a nice walk in the park. We figured it would be easiest if we all traveled together, that way no one could sneak up on us, especially in public, where there were a lot of people around.

My head was pounding the whole time, and when we got back, I pretended like everything was okay, when really, my head was pounding so much that I felt like I could curl up in a bawl and cry for a long long time. But I couldn't. Because if I did then they'd think something was really wrong when all it was was the flu. I was fine. But I couldn't give them any reason to worry.

They thought bringing me on a walk would be good for me, and if I didn't come there was a chance that Blake and Laura could come to lock me up again. Well, that would be fun. Not.

I sighed and went back up to my room. Liam would be sleeping in with me, but since we had to break up we figured it would be best to just stay that way until Blake and Laura couldn't bother us anymore. It really sucked, but I guess it would be worth it in the end.

Besides, I didn't want to get him sick too, not with this thing. He didn't deserve to feel the way I was right now, head pounding, stomach queasy. I wasn't sore though, except for maybe my neck a little. Ugh. I just hoped it would go away soon.

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