6- Who- No, Why?

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I read what the message said before sending it.

"I hope you know I never want to see your stinking face ever again. You ruined my life, and I hope you know that I don't, and never will accept your "apology" because I have this strong feeling that you would just do the same thing over again if I gave you second chance. I hope you're happy. Have a great life! I know I will."

I pressed send and sighed. Well, it's his move. IF. If he's dumb, he'll send a response. But if he's smart, he won't. A small part of me wanted him to be dumb, and send a response. It felt good to tell him how much I hated him. Sorry, sorry, hate is a strong word. How much I LOATHED him. I would rip my hair out strand by strand if that would mean he would be out of my life forever, and never come back. 

I was glad Liam had told me what had happened in the past, but I had this small feeling that there was more. That there were worse things that had happened. He probably just doesn't feel comfortable talking about them yet. I'm sure he'll tell me one day, he knows I'd listen, and that I'd understand. 

I headed downstairs for dinner. I was starving. More than usual. It must be because Blake sucked up all my energy. That evil little piece of- okay, I'll stop there. You get where I'm going. 

Let me just say, I'm pretty sure my mother was staring at me. Because I was eating one plate, and then quickly filling the next. I had seconds of everything, even the stuff I didn't care much for. Who needs a figure? Especially when the people you want to care about you do, no matter how you look. 

My mom didn't say anything, she just kept looking at me. I'm pretty sure she thought I was eating away my problems instead of drinking, or something like that. But no, I was just really hungry. We talk, she acts like everything's normal, but there's a small tension there that wasn't there before. I knew what it was too. It was because of the divorce. Because they didn't care what I thought. That didn't bother me, but there was never even one sorry to me that this was happening. I don't even think they thought about what this would do to me. I would barely ever get to see my dad. I missed him already. All of a sudden, it was like school was my escape. Weekends used to be. Not anymore.

I finished dinner, and cleaned up my plate, then headed upstairs to work on a little homework before bed. I found a text from Laura. It read:

"Hey! Ohmygosh I hope you're all right! I was looking everywhere for you, until some guy, he looked like Blake, said that some guy had carried you out to his car and apparently driven you home or something? If it was Blake, he didn't look too happy, and I think he followed you. I'm kind of glad he did though."

Of course, we were followed home. Because Blake wanted to make sure I was "safe". More like, he wanted to steal me all to his self, so he can go and cheat on me again. I responded.

"You can trust the guy who drove me home. It was Liam. You can't trust Blake though. I know you don't know Liam, but you have to trust him more than Blake. Please. Don't tell Blake anything."

I got an immediate response.

"Alright, if you say to trust this guy, I will. But, I will choose you every time. If there is some choice where if I do one thing, it will hurt him but save you, I will do it. You're more important to me than any guy."

"Aww, thanks. This is why you're my best friend :D gtg to bed. Talk to you tomorrow!"

"K, see ya! Glad you're alright."

I just went to bed. I couldn't do homework. Not now. But as my mind slowly drifted off, Lily came to my mind. Who was she? Or who IS she? Ugh. I can't worry about this now. Sleep. Right. But what if she's planning to do something to me so she can have Liam to herself? No. Stop. Sleep. Now. Okay? Okay. There's nothing to worry about now. Especially not now. Tomorrow. Worry about this tomorrow. Now. Sleep. Okay.

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