Authors Note

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I know I haven't published a chapter of this book in FOREVER, and I know that instead of starting a different book I should continue with this one, and I really want to because I love writing this book and I have a lot of fun with it, but I honestly don't know how to continue. I'm sorta kinda a little lot bit stuck. I have no idea where to go from or how to continue. If you have any kind of idea, please comment them here, because I can and will use all the help I can get to move forward. 

For now, though, I do think I'm going to focus on my newest book Memories (which you should totally check out) because I have more inspiration for it at the moment, but I will get back to this book, promise. 

Thanks for reading this far in the book though, I really appreciate it. It helps my confidence in writing if I'm being completely honest :)

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