4- You Really Know Me

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Right there, in front of me. There were a bunch of suitcases and bags. This could only mean one thing. Someone was leaving. One of my parents, of course. They were getting a divorce. Without caring what I thought about any of this. I knew they would've done whatever they wanted, not caring what I thought. But it still hurt. Because they proved I was right, which I didn't want to be. Not about this.

I sighed. Trying not to cry. I took hold of Liam's arm and took him upstairs to my room to talk to him. I needed someone to talk to, and he seemed to know that. Somehow.

"Hey, so, why was all that stuff in your living room? You aren't moving, are?" He asked he seemed worried, in a way.

"No, I'M not moving. But one of my parents apparently is." I sighed again, about to cry. I was still drunk, but it seemed this moment had taken over everything I was feeling at this moment.

"Oh. Wow. I'm- I'm sorry, Madi." His voice was almost like a whisper. It was sweet.

"Yeah, thanks. Um, could I ask you a question?" I did know what to say, but I knew what I wanted to ask him. He nodded, waiting for me to ask the question.

"Why were you at the party at my old school?" I didn't quite know how to phrase this sentence, but I guess I asked what I wanted to ask.

"I suppose I should have seen that coming." A small smile appeared on his face before it quickly disappeared.

"I have some old friends there, and one of them invited me to come along and see everyone. I really wanted to and didn't think about all the things that could've gone wrong. But I suppose it was a good thing that I didn't consider that, and went. Because otherwise, you might've..." He trailed off, I knew where he was going with that though. If he hadn't of been there, then I would probably be dead by now.

"Oh, I didn't know that. I'm sorry if I made it so you didn't get to catch up with the people you went there to see in the first place." I really was sorry, of course. I wanted Liam to have fun, not have to drive some drunk girl home and get to sit on her bed and listen to all her problems. That, at least for me, would not be fun. 

"Well, I was going outside for a reason, before seeing you. But I'm not sure that I should bore you with all the details." He was such a caring guy, not wanting to bore me with his problems. 

"No, please. If I got to tell you about my drunk girl problems, then I will happily listen to whatever it is that made you go outside." We both laughed a little at that. I liked his laugh. I liked it just about as much as I like ice cream. Wait. What? How could I like something, or someone, as much as ice cream? How is that possible?

"If you insist." He began to tell me the whole story. His "friends" had been pressuring him to drink really strong drinks, and because he didn't come with anyone, he would have to attempt to drive home. He kept refusing to do what they asked. So they started calling him names that I don't wish to repeat. After a lot of this, he said he was going to the bathroom. But really, he needed to step outside. He told me he was even thinking of leaving. But that's when he saw me, doing dumb stuff. Looking at first like I was about to purposefully fall like I was trying to kill myself. But I guess that would make sense since he wasn't close enough to see me very well. You all know how the rest of that played out.

"I'm so sorry your friends were trying to push you to do that." I didn't even think about what I was saying, it just came out. It seemed to comfort him though. But as soon as that left my mouth, I put my hand over his. I guess I had the excuse of saying that I was drunk, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case of why I did that just then. 

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