2 - What's Happening?

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Oh. My. Gosh. Is it possible to completely miss the person who just caught you from falling? Like how are you blind to that? Honestly, sometimes I even surprise myself a little. Anyway, there he was. Sitting at the desk on my right. I watched as he ran his fingers through his hair. I think he's an angel. Seeing him start to turn his head toward me, I quickly face forward, turning my head so fast I'm shocked it didn't fall off my head. 

The rest of the day went pretty quickly after that. I just avoided Liam at all times, and then headed home. I had other classes with him but chose a seat that wasn't next to him. Although the teachers took attendance and said my name, there was thankfully no reaction from him. 

I was definitely not excited about going home though. No, it wasn't because I had to do homework. It was because my parents would never stop fighting, or at least that's what it seemed like. It was constant. Always. On weekends normally I would escape to my friends' houses, but since we moved it would be harder to see them. So now it's like I have to hide up in my room all through the weekend. Except for when I go to get ice cream.

There is this amazing ice cream parlor about 10 minutes away if I walk from my house. It's so good. Ice cream is my life. I'm going to marry ice cream, but then it won't work out because I'll eat it. Huh. That's weird to think about. Anywho, ice cream is my bae. Forever and always. If I have a boyfriend, my first priority is that he must like ice cream. There is no exception. I don't care if he's allergic to it, he must like it. I could go on and on about ice cream, and all the different flavors, but that would take up so much time you would be dead by the time I'm finished.

I walk home, there is a bus that has a stop closer to my house, but I prefer to walk. It's not for the exercise of it (I really dislike exercise). It's because normally when I walk home dinner will be just about ready, meaning that then I can lock myself up in my room and not have to worry about being caught up in all the yelling. Though I do seem to get caught up in it even if I try my best to avoid it, and will walk as quickly as possible to my room when I sense even a little hint of something starting up. Like one little comment on a story, someone not answering a question the other has asked. 

When I arrived at home, dinner was just about ready, so I go up to my room and flop on my bed and went over everything that had happened that day, trying to process it all. So I tripped and would've had people laugh at me, and a bruise on my back. But instead, a guy, Liam, caught me from falling. Was it still embarrassing? Yes. Was it as embarrassing as falling on the floor would have been? Probably not. I had figured that I wouldn't see him very much because it was such a big school, but finding out how many classes I had with him was a real bummer. I didn't know how to feel about that. Though then I had a thought. Maybe he'll just forget about the whole thing by tomorrow since I'm sure a lot has happened since then. I'm just worrying about things that probably won't even matter in a couple days. Everything will be fine. 

"You may even meet up with him again in a few days when he's forgotten all about it, and then have a normal conversation without messing everything up," I said aloud. This couldn't be as bad as I thought it was going to be. It'll just take a couple days, then everything will be fine. 

But oh, how wrong I was to ever think that I could have just a regular high school experience. 

My mom called that dinner was ready, and to come set the table. I did as I was told, not wanting her to yell more than she was already going to later tonight at my father.

Dinner was set and we began to eat, it was very delicious and I told my mother so. She smiled at me with I smile that never showed up too often anymore, I missed it. There was barely any conversation, but when I finished and stood up to clear my plate my dad began to speak

"Madison, your mother and I need to talk to you about something." His voice trembled a little, and I wondered why they didn't just tell me while I was eating.

"We should just tell her, not build anything up but just tell her what's happening." My mom said, clearing her throat a little.

"Well, as you know your mother and I have been arguing a lot lately, and we know how much you don't like it, and how you try to hide from it. Well," 

Ok, tell me something I don't know already. Because I most definitely know how much you guys argue, and that I do try to hide from it every single day of my life.

"We're getting a divorce." My mom concluded, finishing up for him. I was stunned. I don't even know why I wasn't expecting that, it's like I could feel it coming, but never would expect it to happen so suddenly. Without any warning. 

"Anyway, just think about it. You can let us know how you feel tomorrow." My dad said, eying my mom.

"What is there to think about? Because obviously there isn't anything I can do, and it isn't like I can just make you both happy! I don't have any part in this, it's all you. So don't go asking me how I feel or tell me to think about you guys getting a divorce when clearly it's going to happen no matter what I say!" I was mad. I mean really mad. At this point, I didn't even care if what I just said caused an argument or not, because I just wanted them to know that this was their decision, I couldn't make it for them even if I wanted to. This was going to happen, even if they just completely stopped arguing and were very nice and kind toward each other, they would still get a divorce. 

I stormed up to my room and slammed my door shut. I listened. There was no yelling from downstairs, it was like they were quietly talking like they didn't want me to hear what they were saying this time. Like this actually mattered to them. Or at least they pretended that this mattered to them. Like they wanted me to prove them wrong. Well, they couldn't. They could never prove me wrong. Not with something like this. Never.

Checking my phone I saw one new message from an unknown number. I opened it and couldn't believe whose name I saw right at the top of the message when I opened it, addressing who it was. 


Well, I guess that wraps it up for the second chapter. I'm thinking about adding character's pictures of who they all are and moving that up to the first thing you read when you click on this book. What do ya think about that? I just thought it may be a good idea just so you know who everyone looks like so you can imagine them better when some are described. Because not all of them will be. 

I hope you liked this chapter and the fact that I made it longer than the previous one.

Love you all!


Just Hold My HandOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant