8-Here Goes Everything

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Madi's POV

I didn't think that what Liam was asking me to do would be that hard, but then I thought about what Blake could do, and what he would do. That scared me a bit, however, we weren't expecting what was about to be said. 

Blake and Laura walked down the steps, and then towards us. 

"Well, have you two lovebirds made a decision?" Blake's annoying voice asked in a kind of mocking way.

"Yes, yes we have." Liam's voice would sound calm and confident to anyone who didn't know him that well, but to me, it sounded like he was trying really hard to cover up how he really felt, which was scared. Scared to leave me alone with some guy who had cheated on me before.

"What have you decided?" You could hear Blake was about to burst out laughing, but it was the kind of laugh that was meant for if you had just gotten what you want, but had gotten it some evil way. Which is exactly what he was doing.

"We'll do what you say, under one condition."

"Which is?" There was slight hesitance in Blake's voice.

"There will be no touching or kissing." Blake probably wouldn't go along with that, but it was worth a shot.

"If you insist." No, there's no way Blake would ever agree with that. Not in a million years. There had to be some loophole in that, somewhere. Oh, Liam, you have to pick your words more carefully.

I knew exactly what the loophole was in that. Oh well, I guess I'll have to fend for myself in this situation.

"I just remembered," Blake's voice sounded almost like this was the best day ever. Like he was going to explode and sparkles and flowers were just going to burst out everywhere.

"The both of us have enrolled in your school, and have both been accepted. So we'll be able to walk side by side with you every. single. day." 

"And," Laura's voice continued.

"We'll be able to make sure that the both of you don't talk to each other ever again." No. No. No. NO. Liam and I eyed each other, I knew he had a plan for this, I wasn't all that worried. All I had to do was make up some excuse so that Blake couldn't come over to my house. 

Things wouldn't be that bad. Or so I hoped.

All four of us walked upstairs, and I helped my mom get up off the floor. Laura and Blake left, but Liam stayed, so he could say one final goodbye.

He embraced me in one big hug when I got the best idea.

"Hey," I whispered.

"Why don't you just stay here and we can be homeschooled online? My mom works at home most of the day anyway, so she won't be in much danger." He smiled and pulled me into a kiss.

"Do you think that would actually work though?"

" I'm willing to try anything right now, it wouldn't be forever, just until you do whatever it is you're going to do to get them off our backs."

"Alright, but first we need to tell your mom."


We told her everything. I could tell she was about to burst into tears. I knew she believed us, obviously. We wouldn't knock her out just so we could pull some crazy prank on her. That wouldn't be right. She wrapped me in a big hug, something I hadn't gotten for a long time.

"It's okay, mom. Liam has a plan to get them away from us."

"What is it?" I looked at Liam. He hadn't told me what the plan was, maybe he just didn't want me to be worried.

Liam explained. He told her all about his plan. Blake and Laura had both disobeyed the law several times. #1 - they had broken into our house without permission #2 - they did knock my mom out and tied me up, which counts as kidnapping. There could've been more, but we were both too tired to even think at that time.

My mom agreed to let the both of us live here and take courses online. She called the school and explained that there was a situation, and the two of us needed to stay home for a little bit. The school said that was fine, and that we could take as much time off as was needed. We went to a pretty understanding school, or a school that didn't care about us at all.

The only thing that I could think about was all the what-ifs that could happen in Liam's plan. It would work if nothing went wrong, but I couldn't help thinking that everything was about to go wrong. I guess we'd just have to wait and see.


Hey all! Sorry this chapter is a little shorter than the others, but I didn't want to drag it out! Anyway, I hope you're enjoying the story so far! 


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