11-This Isn't Possible... Right?

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I was in my room. With Liam. But we weren't talking. Just sitting there. I was stunned. Completely and utterly stunned. Why couldn't they just pretend to get along? Why was it so difficult to just at least have a civil conversation? I just couldn't understand it. We were both just sitting on my bed. Just thinking. I heard some sort of talking from downstairs and went to my door. I put my ear up to it, it was low talking. Like they didn't want me to hear it. But, why? It isn't like they tried to hide anything from me before. Suddenly, I just got mad. Like really really really mad.

Liam just sat there, like he knew there was no way to pull me away from the door. He knew there wasn't anything he could do to stop me from torturing myself. I listened as the voices got louder and louder. I could feel tears coming to my already burning eyes, but I didn't try to stop it. These were tears of anger and frustration. Not even much of sadness. Because it seemed like nobody in my life could ever get along. They always fought or left. Or both. Now it seemed like they would fight and then they would leave. The only person I had who I knew would never do that was Liam. He was the only person I trusted not to leave. I hoped that would remain constant.

The feelings just came on all at once it felt like. Then my head started to get light and tingly. I couldn't control it. I tried to sit down because that was normally what I did if I was ever feeling light headed. But before I could I fell to the ground, my whole body hitting the floor. Limp. I was unconscious.

Liam's POV

We had been thinking, just thinking. About everything that had happened down at breakfast. I felt so bad for Madi, she had two people who were basically gone from her everyday life. Two people she desperately wanted to keep in her life. But there wasn't anything I could do about it. If there was, I certainly would've done something by now. She deserves the best. 

I watched as she got up and leaned her head against the door. I knew what she was doing. She was trying to hear the voices coming from downstairs. But they were so low, it was hard to make out anything. They did get a little louder, and I could see her eyes getting red with frustration. I wanted to jump up and hug her. But it was like I was glued to the bed. I saw her then get this really weird look on her face like maybe she was going to throw up. It looked like she tried to sit down... before she collapsed.  

I scooped her up in my arms, before running her downstairs. Maybe she just fainted. That better be it. If her emotions just came on and they were so overwhelming, then she could've just collapsed. That's all it was. For sure. Her mom was stunned after I told both of them everything that had happened, all I had seen. I was glad her head hadn't hit the door, this could've been a lot worse.

Her mom drove us to the hospital. I was in the backseat basically cradling her in my arms as she was stretched out across the seats. Her brother was in the passenger seat. He hadn't said anything the whole time. There wasn't even a concerned look on his face. Nothing. No emotion. Maybe he was just stunned. Like he didn't know what to say. Because the two of them were pretty much the cause of this. Right? Just got mad and overwhelmed because they were arguing and weren't getting along, right? 

When we got to the emergency rooms, they had a room available right away, and they whisked her in as we all followed close behind. They made us wait in the waiting room while they ran a few tests on her to see if there was any particular cause to her collapsing, or any type of action going on in Madi's brain. Or if she was just lightheaded and overwhelmed. 

A doctor came out once to ask us a few questions, her mom told him about how she had gotten these headaches and thrown up, but that that was just for a couple days and then it had gone away. He nodded, then went back to her room. Probably to do more tests.

When they were finally done we were allowed to go in and see her. She was barely awake.

Madi's POV

There was so much noise, and my head was killing me. My stomach felt a little queasy, but not overly nauseous. I saw Liam, my mom, and my brother all hustle into the room a couple minutes later. Liam and my mom had really worried and concerned looks on their faces, while my brother was expressionless. Weird. That wasn't like him. But then, normally he was more or less the peacemaker in the family. So him and mom fighting in the first place weren't really like him either. Neither was my mom getting in a fight with one of her kids... normally she would just take sterner tones with them, but would never try to make an argument. Huh. That is strange. Why hadn't I noticed that before? 

A nurse came in and said a couple quiet words that I couldn't understand before she left with her. I wonder what the nurse had to say, that she couldn't just say to the just of us. Liam came over and took hold of my hand, squeezing it hard, and not letting it go. My brother just stood in the corner by the door, looking around, still expressionless. Liam said some calm and soothing words that I can't quite remember, but they were comforting at the time. 

Mom came back in, with tears running down her face. What did the nurse say? I hadn't seen her cry in ages. What could be so bad? Was there something wrong with me? My mom choked the words she said next... we could barely understand what she had said. But somehow, we could all understand her when she said:

"M-madi, I'm so sorry. I know that doesn't make it better but- sweetie, you have a brain tumor." 

I was stunned. And I think everyone else in the room was too. Even my brother.


Hey loves! So I had a snow day today and decided that writing a chapter would be a good thing to do to pass some time. So that's what I did. Anyways, we have another snow day tomorrow, so I'll at least start a chapter that I would finish sometime later this week. But yeah! Thanks so much for reading my book this far, I'm actually pretty proud of this chapter. Love ya'll!


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