Chapter 4

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The next day it was another day of school and it was the cold month of December. the environment was cold and windy. 

Elena got up early, before George could wake her up by blowing the whistle. Elena was really happy, cause this was the last day of school and after that, holidays. so she can just, hang out with friends and family. Elena got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom, and she quickly brushed her teeth and had a cold wash. Elena came out in her towel and she forgot her brother was still in the room sleeping. '' George'' Elena said softly. but he didn't budge. once more she called out ''George''. no answer. now if George is gonna annoy her, he  knows what he's gonna get from his sister. so Elena took the whistle and blew right next to his ear. with the sound of it, George shot up, and he knocked his head on the top bunk bed.''Owww! that hurt. what was that for.'' ''go out of the room, i'm gonna change right now knuckle head.'' Elena giggled. ''oh okay''. George said.George went out of Elena's room and closed the door. Elena opened her closet and took out her three quarter ripped jeans,then she wore her favorite doodle t-shirt that she made by her herself, then she finally wore her black and white converse shoes. Elena took her supergirl logo backpack, opened the door and rushed downstairs.

''good morning , my beloved family members, isn't it a beautiful day''Elena chimed. ''wow, you sound happy, pumpkin'' said mom surprised. ''yeah, cause it's the last day of school, then holidays!!''.Elena said  cheerfully, like she was on top of the world.''okay, i'm going mom and don't worry i'll get something on the way, bye!'' Then she disappeared from the door and she took the stairs then she stepped out , it was a bit cold, but she didn't mind.

while she was walking, she saw a boy coming through the stairs and started walking on the pavement. she instantly knew who it was. then she called out.'' Ethan!, Ethan, wait'' Ethan with the shock of his life, he stopped and he instantly knew who it was by that sweet voice, calling his name, then he turned around to see it was the girl of his dreams calling his name. ''wait,let's walk together'' Elena said. Ethan smiled at her and he couldn't believe she actually said that, but he just nodded. ''you seem cheerful today''. Ethan said with curiousity. ''well, It's the last day of school, and then finally holidays, YES,YES,YES!!!''. Elena said joyfully. ''Elena......''Ethan said slowly. ''yeah, Ethan''. Elena asked.''after school, would you be interested to go with me for  a movie, i mean, i totally understand that you have other things to do'' Ethan said looking down. ''no, i will come, i actually don't have anything planned so yeah i will come''. Elena said. they arrived to school and Elena saw her friends and said, '' hey , i gotta go, my friends are here, it was nice of you to walk with me to school'' Ethan was speechless, he went beyond happy, he was happy and cheered up, he felt so relieved.Ethan was jumping with joy, when Jason came and asked Ethan, ''what's up with you, you seem really happy, what's going on?''. ''oh nothing,it's just that i'm happy i came to this school, cause i just met the most prettiest young thing in the world, and believe me it's such a beautiful rare breed'' Ethan said walking with Jason. Jason didn't know what the heck he was talking about, he was confused but he just nodded and walked with Ethan looking at him in a weird way.

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