Chapter 2

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Dean's p.o.v
Sammy and I were back at the motel both trying to find out any information why 3 women have gone missing in this town, then found dead. But nothing was adding up, we need to see the bodies. Sam knew this as well, but that would have to wait until morning. I yawn and stretch out my back.

"I wonder if that girl made it home ok last night, we should have stayed longer," I say with a worried voice. "Dean like I said we don't know what we are fighting right now and we don't need everyone in town knowing we are here." Sam was always worried about me since I came back from hell. "Tomorrow we should go down to the city morgue and check out the bodies, maybe we can find out more of who is doing this," I explain while walking over to my single bed. "Finally you have a good idea!" Sammy laughs and he does the same then falls asleep quickly.

I couldn't sleep I tossed and turned but that girl I couldn't get out of my mind. She had y/c/h, she was y/h and she had these amazing y/e/c. What is going on with me, I don't get attached to girls, we have sex then I leave. Nothing more. I think about her more until I fall asleep.

Morning comes too early as I wake up feeling like I slept on a pile of rocks, Sammy was already awake and grabbed breakfast. "It's about time you woke up." He laughs as I grab breakfast and my coffee. "I went and talked to Anna's mother but it was a dead end, everyone liked her in town, she went to church every Sunday and volunteered at the homeless shelter in town. None of this is adding up." Sam was already in his suit and tie so I decided I guess it's time to do the same and go see the bodies.

After seeing the bodies we came to a conclusion that it was vampires. "They must be taking them and feeding off of them for a couple days then getting rid of the bodies," I say when we get into the Impala. "We just need to find where the best is so we can get rid of them."
"We should go back the bar and see if they have seen anything." Sam must have forgotten about the girl so I agreed and we headed over. When we walked in it was quiet, there weren't many people there because it was only 12 in the afternoon.

"Hi I'm detective Montgomery and this is my partner detective Phillips, we have a couple questions I ask you and your staff," I tell this to the guy behind the bar that was wiping out glasses. "Sure thing they are in the back." He points to a door and I head back there. As Sam stay to talk to the bartender. I start asking people some questions about the missing girls and they keep telling me to talk to a girl named Y/n. And they gave me her address. I walk out and whisper to Sam " I found a lead I'll meet you back here." And walk out the bar. I drive to the address and walk up to the door and knock.

Y/n comes to the door wearing jean short shorts and a blue tank top, her hair was messy from just getting out of bed. "Can I help you?" She asked looking confused. "Hi I'm detective Montgomery I'm here to ask you a few questions about the messing 3 missing girls. People at the bar says you might know them more." I smile "Can I come in?" She moves aside a gives me a weird look. I walk into her apartment was messy but nice and her cat came running up to me wanting attention. I hate cats. I kick him away and sit on the couch. "I never knew those girls that went missing, but I saw all of them around the same guy before they went missing. No one ever talks to these guys, they sit in the corner of the bar and keep to themselves. Not once have they asked for a drink or food. The bartender tells us to stay away from them, people say they are dangerous. But almost every night they take a girl home from the bar." She talks while I look around, I write down a few notes. "Thank you for your time ma'am," I say as I stand up to leave. "No thank you for protecting me last night. That guy always beats the girls at the bar." She says while looking down at her feet. "Hey, never let any guy push you around," I said while smiling and putting my finger under her chin. "Y/n you are a beautiful girl don't let anyone else think your not. Here's my card if you need me call me anytime okay?" I handed her my card and left. I met up with Sammy and told him what y/n told me so we went to the bar that night to see if they come.

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