Chapter 7

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1 Year later...
Your p.o.v

You have been hunting for almost a year now. Ever since Dean and Sam have left your town you got obsessed with hunting and everything about it. You have been bouncing from town to town killing any bad thing that stood between me and the innocent people. You worked alone, You met a couple of other hunters that offered for you to hunt with them. they all say the same thing, you should never hunt alone it's not safe. but you refuse every time, You liked working alone and being alone. You will never get over Dean but you can push his memory. Every night when you sleep you dream of the night Dean and you shared together and at that moment you are the happiest person in the world. But every time he walks away from me you feel your whole world collapsing around you, even though you only knew him for a short time. You fell for him faster than you ever wanted. there have been times that you wondered if he thinks of you but then you push them away but you know he has probably forgotten about you and our time together. You were on your way to the next job and ended meeting up with some hunters that you never heard their names. but one of them pointed at the necklace that Dean gave you before you left. You tried just shrugging it off because you were worried they would tell Dean they saw you but maybe that would be a good thing.

Every night you sit there with Deans card in your hand wanting to call him but never actually do it. You wanted to tell him all about your hunts and how he and Sam have inspired you to save people. You wanted to hear his voice and hear about his year away but You were scared that he has found a girl that hunts with him and he can be happy with and not have to leave behind. Even though he saved your life you were now beginning to realize that it was just part of his job and the dinner was probably just trying to be nice. Even thinking that way, the kiss we had didn't add up.

Today wasn't any different than any other day. You woke up in my crapy motel room still tired from the noises that we coming from the next room. You got dressed in a dress suit and grabbed your fake badge. You're sure it was just another werewolf attack but you had to be sure. Jumped in your 69 Chevelle ss, this was your baby. You stole it a couple months back, and no one has noticed. You started her up listening to her roar and headed to the police station. "Hi, I'm detective Brown from the FBI, I'm here to speak to you about the 3 men that were attacked." You smiled and looked at the police officer that didn't seem convinced. "I didn't know that the FBI was interested in the case. No one called but yes we can talk, have a seat." He motions at the chair in front of him. "What do you want to know?" He questions, You look at him with a concerned look on your face and ask, "you're saying that it was an animal attack but from the police report they were missing their hearts?" "Yes, they are. We are trying to find the weapon that was used but get this, it looks like someone's hand did it." You weren't surprised, we kept talking about the case until You got what you needed and gave the police officer your phone number, And told him "if there is another murder please call me so I can see the crime scene." he smiled and took your card. You weren't sure if he fully believed You were an FBI agent but You kept that to yourself. You were just about to leave when his phone rang and he said: "Can you hold on a minute I'll see you out." You nodded and waited at the door. "I already am seeing the FBI agent." You heard him say but almost question, you froze In fear thinking that there were actually FBI agents here. "Just a minute." You heard the police officer say and start walking towards you. "Detective Brown, can I have a word?" The police officer said with confusion on his face. "There are two more FBI agents wanting outside to talk to me. Now tell me are you the real thing or are they?" You sat there stunned, what do you say to him. "Sir, I don't know what you mean, maybe there was a screw up at the office and they sent down more than one officer." You quickly lied not really caring about the others. "I need to go anyways I'll send them back when I see them." You said with a smile hoping he will believe you.

You walk out the door and Sam and Dean are standing there both in suits. Sam looked up and saw me. " Y/n-" "Detective Brown." You corrected quickly. "I'm sorry boys but I already have this case, you better be heading back and tell the boss I'm here. Apparently, he forgets me." You said trying to act professionally. Sam and Dean nodded and walked away. You followed them out, your heart beating a million miles a minute. It's dean it's really him. After all this time, no you can't fall for him again he left you behind you can't do that anymore. They were both leaving my car with a smirk on both of their faces. " Y/n it's good to see you," Sam says first. You kept quiet hoping they will be on their way soon. "Yes, it has about a year actually."
"Since when were you a hunter?" Deans pipes up out of nowhere. "I started hunting after you left, something about it interested me and I have been doing it ever since." You smiled and leaned against your car. "Well we have nothing better to do want to grab something to eat and we can catch up?" Dean said with a smile, You agreed and met them over there. We walked into the diner and sat down. You sat across from Sam and Dean.

They were both looking at you weird, You didn't know why but You shrugged it off. "So, you have been hunting on your own? No one else?" Dean questions but is concerned. "Yeah, I have been. I like working on my own, I know no one is getting hurt and all my focus is on what I'm doing not the people around me. I hunt better." You said being honest with them because why not. "Y/n, that's not safe, you should always have someone there to back you up just in case. What if you get hurt along the way and you can't call for help?" Sam said, you never realized they cared that much about you, no Dean left you we could have had something but he left on another hunt. He doesn't care, Sam might but not him. "I know okay, I don't really have people around to hunt with. I know no one in this life and I left everyone behind." You sighed and looked down at your food realizing You should have just walked away from them. Luckily they conversation changed and you were all laughing again just like before they left.

"Can we join you on this hunt?" You heard out of nowhere. "I know you like hunting on your own but it was really nice seeing you again and I would love to hunt with you." Deans voice hit you hard, just like a brick wall. You got nervous all of a sudden and tried not to show it. "I guess so but then you guys leave and never come and find me again, Dean you have to understand." You said almost in tears You could feel your chest burning, all You wanted to do was cry but You had to keep it together. "I promise we 'll leave right after the hunt." He seemed almost upset about it. You gave him a sweet smile and we headed back to your motel room to get ready for the hunt.

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