Chapter 16

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It's been weeks since you have seen Sam or Dean. You could hear them talking outside the door but never did they come in. Every day Crowley would come in with food and water and would untie you so you could eat. He would never leave until you were done. You never tried getting free that was because he would just hold you there. But today you had a plan to get free. While sitting in the room you found a piece of metal that must have broke off the metal books shelves in the room. It takes a lot of struggling and work to get it but you managed. Every day you sat there slowly sliding the metal a crossed the ropes, every time Crowley came in you would hide it. Luck for you because of the curse Cas couldn't read your mind nor Crowley so they had no idea what you were up to. From listening to the boys outside the door you knew that there was no cure for the spell and that long you stayed away from them the stronger the pain would get and eventually the rage would make your heart give out. Every night you heard Dean sit out the door drinking and praying to god that you would get better.

The door opened in front of you and today it was Sam bringing in your lunch "Hello Y/N" Sam said untying the ropes around your arms. "I brought you lunch." Because you were so underfed you knew you couldn't do anything to Sam either so you eat your sandwich well Sam watched. You decided to stay quiet and eat. "How are you feeling?" Sam asked pulling up and chair. "I feel like there are a thousand knives slowly being pushed into my body. I feel sick to my stomach." You started looking up at him. That was the truth but you noticed even tho you wanted to kill them and you looked different you still loved both of them and you started feeling like your self again. "We will find a way Y/N please keep fighting." Sam grabbed your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. You nodded and finished eating. Sam smiled and walked out of the room.

You sat there after Sam left and realized what you have become and you cut through the ropes on the chair but instead of leaving the room, you walked over to the mirror in the room and looked into it. What you saw wasn't you, you pulled Dean's necklace that he gave you when you first met out from under your shirt and gave it a squeeze. Tears started to form in your eyes and you knew what needed to be done. You took a deep breath and grabbed the piece of metal and stabbed your self in the chest and let out a scream and fell to the ground. Everything started to go black when you heard Dean run in and run to your side. "No baby what did you do?" He started pushing pressure on your wound. You could feel tears hitting your face "Sammy! Cas!" He screamed. "Y/N I love you please stay awake for me." But it was too late everything went black.

You woke up in a big comfy bed, you looked around confused on where you were. "Mommy!!" A little girl comes running in. She was about 4 with Y/C/H and bright green eyes. "Good morning pumpkin." You smiled as she hugged you. Dean walked in "I told you to let her sleep, Megan." He smiled "get up sleepy head we have some things to do today." You whined But got up anyways.

You walked down the stairs dressed in black leggings, one of Deans band shirts with a purple plaid flannel over it left opened. Your hair you left down and did a little makeup. You smiled at the site of Dean making breakfast and your daughter sitting at the table eating pancakes. But something didn't feel right like you didn't belong here. You sat at the table where you fresh coffee sat. Dean was happy, happier then you have ever seen him. Dancing around flipping pancakes. You quickly ate you pancakes watching your amazing life.

The day went fast playing with Megan, while Dean was at work. You put Megan to bed. "I love you, mommy. Will you stay with us?" She said as you left the room and you stopped, turning around. "What is to talking about pumpkin?" You sat back down on her princess bed. "Don't go back mommy stay here with me and daddy. Where you're happy." You looked at her confused "why would I ever leave you?" You said softly and kissed her on the forehead and tucked her back in "sweet dreams" You said and walked out closing her door. You went into the living room and sat down on the couch, and grabbed your cell phone. Going through pictures of you and Dean going on vacations and your wedding pictures. Smiling you curled up on the couch and put on scooby doo and fell asleep finally happy.

You heRd the door close that was what woke you up. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you," Dean said with a smile and sat by your feet. "How's was your day?" Dean asked rubbing your feet. "It was good, but Dean something is wrong." You looked up at him with concern. "What's wrong baby?" "When I put Megan to bed she asked me to stay and never leave, so you know what that means?" You questioned, "no I don't, why would she think you are leaving?" Dean seemed more concerned then you were. "I'm not sure but I told her I was staying she went back to bed, so I don't know." Dean shrugged his shoulders. "I'm dead, I'm headed to bed," Dean said standing up and kissing you on the cheek. "I'll be up in a minute." You said and watched him leave.

"Y/N." You heard a deep voice say and you turn to see Cas standing there. "Cas? What are you doing here?"
"You're in heaven, you killed yourself and this is your heaven," Cas said sitting beside you. "Cut to the chase Cas wow..." You looked around realizing this isn't real. "Dean says he loves you. And misses you." Cas said. "I can bring you back if you want but you have to make a choice soon. If not you will stay here." You sighed and nodded. Then Cas was gone to leave you with a big decision. You locked up everything and headed upstairs where Dean was fast asleep snoring quietly. You curled up in bed and fell asleep.

Hey guy, I've been thinking about starting another story soon. If you have any characters of supernatural you would like me to do comment and let me know. I am open to any suggestions:) thanks to everyone who is reading! Almost 350 readers! I can't believe it. I love you guys so much

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