Chapter 9

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Dean's P.O.V

The drive back to the bunker was long, we still had a couple of hours to go. looking back in the rearview mirror at Y/N she must have fallen asleep about an hour ago. She looked so peaceful and beautiful, I can't believe I might actually have a second chance with her. She was new to hunting and I can tell it already had affected her, sometimes I wonder how her life would be if she didn't meet me. Part of me hates that I got her into hunting but the other part is happy because I would t really have a chance with her. I looked over at Sammy he was asleep as well but we were close to the bunker.

It was starting to become dark, the full moon was hanging high in the sky as we pulled into the bunker garage. Sammy woke up once I turned off the Impala. "Morning princess," I said with a smile, Sam just rolled his eyes and hopped out of the car and grabbed his stuff heading to his room probably for a shower. "Where are we?" Y/N asked I spun around heart pounding. "Shit!... I didn't realize you were awake." I said resting my hand on my chest. Y/N smiled and leaned over the car seat and planted a sweet, soft kiss on my stubbly cheek. Smiling I looked into her Y/C/E. "we are home, I'll show you to your room then show you around the bunker. It can be a little confusing at first." I said and she nodded getting out of the Impala. I grabbed mine and her bags and headed inside. I got to one of the empty rooms which was a crossed the hall from my room and Sammy's was down the hall a bit. "Is this okay?" I asked setting down her bags. "This is perfect thank you." I smiled planting a kiss on her forehead. "I'll come find you in a couple minutes to show you the rest of the bunker. You get settled in" she nodded and I walked out of the room to mine. Setting down my stuff I looked at the picture of mom. I wish you could meet her mom you would love her. I thought to myself sitting down looking at her picture thinking of what life would be like if she wasn't gone.

Y/N p.o.v
You starting putting everything away and setting up your stuff. Your room looked like a normal room it was small and dusty, it looked like no one has been in here for years. But it was perfect. You didn't really know what you and Dean were but you didn't really care, for once you were happy and safe. After about 20 minutes of putting your stuff away, you heard a knock at the door. "Come in!" You yelled dean walked in smiling looking around the room. You haven't decorated much but it was a start. "Do you have a candle burning?" Dean questions looking over at your favourite candle. "This place smells like dust and mildew. Yes, I have a candle burning if you don't like it leave." You sassed back smiling. "Are you ready for the tour?" Dean winks and walks closer to you. "Yes I am, let's go!" You ran out the door.

Dean walked beside you slowly making his way down the hallways showing you where the bathroom was and Sams room. He guided you while having his hand on your lower back, you tried to keep your self from breaking down with every touch. Little did Dean know but your ex-boyfriend and parents abused you a while back. You ran away and move to Huntsville when you were 18 years old. You never wanted to see them again. Most nights you had nightmares of memories from when you were younger. That's why you always got a separate motel room. Dean never understood, you thought about telling him but you were scared and you didn't really trust him yet, even Sam you were worried about. Taking a deep breath you looked up at Dean, he seemed so happy showing you around and making jokes, his eyes were not so harsh.
"And this is the library." Dean's voice made you snap back to reality and you realized you missed half the tour, so you will probably get lost after this. There was a table in the centre of the room with a map on it and books everywhere. Sam was sitting at the table with his laptop and a glass of whisky. "Hey, Sam," you said sitting down a-crossed from him. "Have you got lost yet? It's a big place" Sam looks up from his laptop smiling, they both seemed so happy you were here with them. "Not yet but I haven't gone alone so probably soon." You said looking over at Dean. "Dean I found us a case in Austin Texas. Multiple people drowned but get this, there wasn't any water near them when they died." "Could be a witch?" You said. "Yeah we will check it out, we aren't too far away so we will head out tonight, everyone goes get their stuff and meet me at the car." And just like that Dean and Sam were gone leaving you in the library to find your way back by yourself.

After 20 minutes you finally found your room and quickly packed your bag but then something hit you. Austin Texas, no. You sat down in fear that you will see them again. Your whole body started to shake and tears formed in your eyes. I can't go, you thought. But if I don't go I'll need to explain why. I need to go, I need to get over my fear of them. I can fight back now. You thought to your self and got up and headed for the garage.

"Took you long enough! Got all your stuff princess." Dean smiles and grabbed your bag from you. "Hey, are you okay?"Sam says in a worried voice. "Have you been crying?" Oh looked at yourself through the impala mirror and said: "I'm okay just tired." You lied hoping no me would notice. You hopped in the back seat letting Sam sit in the front, Dean got in and started baby up and drove off headed start for your hell and demons.

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