Chapter 10

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After a long drive to Austin Texas, you finally get to your hotel. you could feel the anxiety building up in your body the closer you got. All you hoped for was this hunt would be fast and easy and you would only be there for a couple days. You noticed that you pulled into a motel parking lot, looking around nervously you didn't notice Deans eyes on you. "We are here Princess," Dean says smirking noticing how uneasy you are. you got out the Impala and bring your bag and headed to book a room. Walking into the office you took out your fake Credit Card, "Id like to book two rooms please, one with a single bed and the other with two double beds please," you said with a fake smile. "will that be cash or credit?" the women asked from behind the counter, "Credit" looking up to pass your card you realized that you were looking at your Ex Derek's mother and froze. you prayed to god she wouldn't notice you. "Thank you, you have rooms 13 and 14, here are your keys." she passed them to you and you walked out towards Sam and Dean. " you guys have room 14, I'm in room 13." you passed tossing the keys to Dean and heading to your room. 

"Dude, you noticed anything weird with Y/N?" Dean asked Sam while heading to their room. "yeah she seems a little on edge, maybe she is actually tired like she said earlier." Sam adds while unlocking the door to their room. "Maybe we should let her sleep while we go to talk to the family and police." Sam offered, Dean nodded and got their suits on and headed out. you were sitting in your room going over the research that Dean gave you, you checked your phone to see if the boys needed you and nothing so you decided to go to bed. Changing into your night clothes, Short shorts and a tank top you crawled into bed and shortly after fell asleep. BANG BANG BANG woke you up, rolling over and looking at the clock reading 1:30 am groaning you walked over to the door thinking it was Dean or Sam and opened the door. There stood your ex Derek, he was about 6 foot tall, Dark long hair and dark brown eyes. He was very rough looking, someone, you never want to mess with. "Y/N it has been a while," Derek said looking down at you and moving closer to you. stepping back you let him into the room. "Where have you been hiding all these years?" You stood there quietly not moving, fear set in your body. " did you find me."

"I've been watching you for about a year now, and I have to say you have had one interesting year. Becoming a hunter and shacking up with Dean and Sam Winchester really? I loved you Y/N and you left me, now I'm here to take you back." Derek said as he punches you in the face, you could taste the coppery metal taste of blood in your mouth, whipping your mouth you stoop back up and ran to your phone. Hitting Deans contact you put the phone to your ear and try running from Derek. he grabbed you by the arm and threw you against the wall. "Y/N, I'm not leaving here without you. Now you are going to come with me willingly or I will bring you with me forcefully," he said slapping you across the face. He kept hitting you over and over again, you grabbed your phone as he hit you one last time and just before you passed out you heard "Y/N is everything okay? Whats going on?" from your phone then everything went black.

Deans p.o.v 

Sam and I just finished talking to the family of the dead boy, which got us nowhere. We went to a local diner when I sat down I looked at Sam and said "Have you heard from Y/N? She hasn't called me and its been a while. Maybe we should take this to go and head over there." Sam agreed and we started driving to the hotel when my phone started going off. "Hello?" no answer, I pulled the phone away from my ear to see who it was and it was Y/N contact. "Y/N is everything okay? Whats going on?" Still no answer, I looked over at Sam with worry in my eyes and started driving faster to the motel. "Dean Winchester, the legend of hunters, been to hell and back. sorry Y/N cant come to the phone right now, she a little tied up. But I'll tell her you called." a man said on the other line. "Wheres Y/N you son of a bitch! I swear to god if you hurt her ill rip your lungs out!" I yelled then the phone went dead, slamming my phone on the streeling wheel I drove faster to the motel. After about 10 minutes we arrived at the motel and jumped out of the Impala, I grabbed my handgun from the trunk and ran over to room 13. Kicking down the door y handgun up. Y/N was gone, only her clothes and cell phone remained. grabbing her phone I punched the wall in anger. "Son of a bitch!" "Dude calm down, they couldn't have gone far let's go look around and see if anyone saw anything," Sam said trying to calm me down. I've never been so pissed off in my life. I was supposed to keep her safe and failed. I looked over at Sam and nodded and headed out the door to the office of the motel. pulling a picture of Y/N from my phone I asked: "Ma'am have you seen this girl?" She took a good look at the photo and nodded "She rented two rooms here last night and paid cash. Why is something wrong?" the women seemed concerned, I pulled out my fake badge and showed her. "She is a close friend of mine and she went missing not too long ago. Did you see anyone enter the motel room 13 tonight?" "no sorry I haven't I had to run into town and do some errands, I left the motel to my son Derek. let me see if I can find him." She said walking into the back room calling Derek's name. "Sorry, he must be out with friends when he gets back ill call you and let you know." She gave me a sweet smile and I left my card with her and walked out meeting Sam at the Impala and shook my head. 

"I'll call Bobby and get him to search as well, don't worry man we will find her," Sam said grabbing my shoulder then calling Bobby. "Hey Bobby, it's Sam. I have a favour to ask you. Can you ask around if they have seen Y/N? Dean got a call tonight from someone and they said they took Y/N. Yeah... Thanks again Bobby." Sam hung up the phone and walked back over to me. "He said he will call around get the word out. Soon multiple hunters will know and be looking for Y/N. They will call us if they hear or see anything." looking up at Sam I nodded and went into Y/N motel room to see if there was any clues or messages she left for us. After about a half an hour of looking, I found nothing and sat on her bed with my face in my hands. Then I got an idea, "Cas! please man, I need your help." I looked up and Cas stood there in front of me wearing his normal outfit. and back suit and tie with a beige trench coat. 

"Hello, Dean, whats going on?" I stood up and started passing around the room. "Someone took Y/N and I can't find her. Is it possible you can look for her and find her?" I looked at him with hope in my green eyes. "I'll try my hardest Dean.I will let you know if I find anything." Then he was gone, I took a deep breath and sat back down waiting to hear someone back.  


Hey guys! 

thank you so much for reading. I'm super excited for the next couple parts of my story :) Im really gratful for everyone who is reading and i will be out more parts out soon :) Love ya guys 

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