Chapter 12

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You woke up in a motel room, you had no idea where you were but you knew you needed to find Sam and Dean. You got dressed in a black and white flannel plaid shirt and some blue faded jeans. You laced up your combat boots and made sure your handgun was loaded, shoving it in the back part of your jeans and headed out. Walking out of the motel room was bright, you felt like you had a huge hangover, throwing on some sunglasses you headed to your car that Derek gave you. You knew Sam and Dean would be at the motel room or at the bouncier so you started at the motel. Looking at the sign for the motel you were at you realized you were at the one crossed town so you headed to the one from before. Driving down the road you saw the Impala in the distance and pulled to the side of the road, you knew how they worked and knew they would know if someone was following them so you decidedly watch from a distance. You saw Dean passing the motel room and yelling at Sam, Dean looked horrible, like he hasn't slept in days, he had dark circles under his eyes and was starting to grow a bread. You say there for hours before you watched them get into the impala and drive away. You started to follow and the urge to kill them got stronger the closer you got to them. You followed them back to the bunker and parked down the road. You wanted to wait for the perfect time to attack.

Deans p.o.v

We were sitting at the motel room waiting for an answer when Cas showed up. "I found her. But your not going to like it." Cas said in a firm tone. "Where is she, I'm going to go get her." I yelled passing around the room. "Dean there is something different about her, I can't pin point what's wrong but I don't think you should go after her just yet. Let's talk to Crowley and see what he thinks then we will make a plan." Cas stood there staring into my soul. "Fine" I agreed and sat down. "Hello boys"Crowley said out of no where. "Is Y/N okay? Can I go and get her?" I spat getting pissed that I knew where she was but couldn't go get her. "I'm sorry squirrel but you can't. Y/N is under a spell, which may or may not want you both dead." I froze at his words this can't be, Y/N would never want to hurt us. That son of a bitch he better not come poking around or I'll murder him slowly. "So what do we do?" Sam asked for me knowing I wasn't in the right mind to even answer. "We sit and wait, the best place would be the bunker. She doesn't really know her way around there yet so we can surprise her and try to solve this." Crowley urged. He was right Y/N didn't even get to stay the night at the bunker. I nodded and grabbed my stuff and just before heading out I turned to them "can I at least know where she is?" I asked with almost no hope left. "She is parked just outside of the motel." Cas pointed out the window and I glanced over seeing a black Honda Civic. The women sitting in the car has jet black hair and was wearing sunglasses. That can't be her, Y/N has Y/C/H not black. I looked over at them confused, "are you sure that's her? I mean her hair is different." I sounded like a school girl. "Dean that assbutt changed her all together you need to be prepared for this. She isn't going to look like the girl you love." Cas said, I just I never realized but I did actually love her but never admitted that I did. Taking a deep breath I walked out of the motel trying not to look over at her and got in the Impala and waited for Sam.

When Sam got into the car I drove off knowing Y/N was right behind me and it killed me inside knowing that. It was a very quiet car ride back to the bunker, I focused on the road and every once in a while look in my mirror to see if she was still there. We pulled into the bunkers garage and got out and started making the plan for tonight. "She will more then likely strike tonight, so we need to be prepared for what she might do. Crowley can you get your mother to look up the spell and find a loop hole in it or something." Sam said sitting down at the table in the library with a glass of whiskey for me. Rolling his eyes Crowley snapped his fingers and disappeared. "Dean I think you should be sitting here when she comes in so she can see you, you might have to fight her a-bit but that will give Cas some time to go his thing and knock her out." Sam seemed to not like this plan either but it had to be done. "Dude She is like a little sister to me, I don't like this as much as you do. I know you love her, you have loved her since you saw her that's why you gave her your necklace. And I know she loves you back because she would t tell anyone about the necklace or anything in that matter. She started hunting because of us and came back with us. Dean we will get her back I promise."Sam wrapped me in a hug and squeezed me tight. "I'm not losing her tonight Sammy no matter what I have to do I'll do it for her." Sam nodded and headed back to his room to get ready and I sat there waiting for Y/N to show up.

Your p.o.v

You sat down the road from the bunker for a while but little did anyone know but you that you broke in hours earlier and drew a devils trap under every carpet and by every door and angel sigils around the bunker knowing Cas and Crowley will be there and you were not interested in them. Only Sam and Dean, you mind wandered to the necklace around your neck. You looked at it and all the good memories with Dean came rushing back. For a split second you felt normal but the spell took over again. You loved Dean with all your heart but you knew you couldn't control yourself when you got in there. You took a deep breath and headed to see Sam and Dean one last time before you killed them.

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