Chapter 4

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A/N Hey guys, just letting you know that it is my first book, so if it is crap I understand lol. I hope you guys enjoy!


Dean's p.o.v

"Sammy! We gotta go!" I yell as I walk into the motel grabbing my duffle bag. "Dude, what's going on?" Sam asked with concern. "They have Y/n." Walking out the motel room I see the confusion on Sammy's face but didn't say anything. We are about 3 miles away from where Y/N said she was. Hopefully, we can get them in time. While that thought is running through my head, I step on the gas pedal praying we make it.

Driving down the street I see a group of people around something. My headlights hit them and I noticed that they are vampires surrounding Y/n. I step on the breaks and come to a fast stop. In the moment I saw Y /n y/e/c fade and she collapsed in the biggest vampires arms. I grab my machete and step out of the car. I knew we would not be able to find the nest this way.
"Dude what are we doing just standing here. That girl is in trouble!" Sam break my train of thought and walks toward them. "Let her go," my deep voice surprises some of them. I guess they know who we are. I smirk at the thought of that. "Why should we listen to you, Winchester." The one spat as he licks her neck wanting to taste her. There is only 5 in the group, Sammy and I could kill them in a heartbeat but this time there is an innocent her involved. We make one wrong move and we lose her. Stepping closer I put my machete in the front of my boots and kick it towards them. "Let her go and you can take me instead." I bargain with them. "Wouldn't you want the glory of killing a Winchester instead of some girl," I smirk because I know I'm right.
"Fine! You for her." The toss her forward into Sammy's arms.
"Make sure she is safe Sammy. I'll be fine." I walk over to them with my hands in the air. They pat me down head to toe. "Hey, watch the goods." Trying to lighten the mood. Didn't work. I get punched in the face and everything goes black.

I woke up in an abandoned building, looking down I notice I'm tied to the chair and roll my eyes because I've been here done this before. This isn't new. I hear footsteps from behind me. "You should really ask permission before tying me up. It's not my thing." I laugh. "Laugh all you want Dean, nothing is going to change the fact that you are dying tonight. We just want to have a little fun first." Do they really think they will kill me? I knew I couldn't get out of here killing everything, there is too many of them so I decided to sneak out.
After about 15 minutes of me trying to cut the rope, it let go and I got up and starting walking slowly but quietly. I realize it is now day and they are all sleeping so I snuck outside and run till I hit the road. I didn't have my cell phone so I walk until I found a pay phone and called Sammy.
"Dude your okay, where are you?" Sammy answers on the first ring. "I'm just outside of town where the old abandon house is down 53. I see you soon." I hung up and decided I wasn't going to wait around for Sam I case they realized I was gone and started walking up the road towards town.

Sam's p.o.v
I got y/n back to the motel room and lay her on the bed, I inspected her body to see if she was bleeding at all. No blood, good sign. Look like she just lost too much air. She was still breathing so I thought I'd leave her until she wakes up. I sat at the table, just about to open my laptop when my phone rings.
"Okay, I'll pick you up, see you then" I hung up. I left I note for Y/n in case she woke up and was confused. I hopped into the Impala and drove to Dean. Realizing it's day so dean must have just snuck out. I know Dean is normally like this but something seems different. He protected her at the bar then had a random lead, now she has his number and is a danger. I never remember Dean giving any girl an actual phone number. But I shrugged it off.

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