Chapter One

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"I'm going. I'm going, okay?!" He yelled back over his shoulder. A brunette faced him, face red with anger. Her face was able to take on a deeper shade of red when a sly grin grew on his face. She stomped her foot on the wooden step of the stair in frustration.

"Coal Axel Black. If I so much as hear one more complaint from your school again-,"

He swiped his books up from the desk and ran out the house. The one thing that scared him most in life was when Juliet used his full name. He ran down the street as fast as he could, out of her line of sight. He then began a lazy stroll to his high school down the road.

There were disadvantages in living so close to the school. A) all the strange stalkers he avoided at school knew where he lived. B) some teens who he had issues with knew where he lived. C) some 'friends' he also avoided knew where he lived. In the end, living close to school was a pain.

Coal suddenly stopped walking. A cold shiver ran down his spine - something felt off. His eyes scanned his surroundings as he stood there as still as death.


Red eyes.

Red marble eyes stared at him through a bush on the other side of the street. They were empty, soulless and fixated. Coal's
eyes never left those blood eyes, not even for a second. Time froze as the ravenous eyes disappeared behind the bush. The death in the atmosphere slipped away with it. Coal didn't realise he was holding his breath until he let it out. His heart beat ringed in his ears as he ran.

And ran.

And ran.

He only slowed down when his legs began to ache. His uneven breathes came out in short gasps. He had ran too far, the school building stood behind him. A sigh of frustration escaped him as he ran a hand through his hair. That sense of dread washed over him again. That familiar feeling of death returned to the air, stopping his movements. Down the street, a women and a young girl were crossing the street. A voice from the back of his head told him to watch, to listen. He didn't have the time to question the voice, Coal obeyed.

A truck was racing down the street at a deadly speed. Dropping the content in his hands, Coal began to sprint down the street.

"Run!" He screamed. An ancient power seemed to be running with him. His legs rippled with strength, beating against the earth in long, powerful strides. Time seemed to slow down as he sprinted down the street.

He wasn't going to make it.

Before he knew it, he was pushing the women and child out the way. Their bodies smacked harshly onto the concrete but they were safe. He wasn't so lucky.

His head hit the ground with a crunch. His body felt numb and powerless. His entire body was slowly shutting down. Screams echoed all around him but it felt like he was hearing it from a distance. His eye lids felt so heavy. He just wanted a little sleep, just a little one.

No! Coal yelled at himself.

He knew he wasn't going to wake up in the hospital with Juliet by his side, he knew he wasn't going to wake up in an alley way after a fight - he knew he wasn't going to wake up.


Juliet stood on the door step as Coal ran down the street. He was always a reckless boy. Ever since their mother died and their father always at work, Juliet had to step up. She was usually in her room studying, being a college student, she only saw Coal before school. She was always worrying. Coal somehow always came home injured and made up a stupid excuse as to  where he had been. She had a gut instinct every time he was about to do something stupid.

This time was different. All her instincts told her to wait. She stood at the door for ten minutes, refusing to leave. Something was about to happen. Her suspicions were right as ambulances raced down the street. Coal.

With a tank top and jeans being the only protection to the freezing, biting weather, Juliet ran bare legged after the ambulances. She ignored the sharp prickles of pain shooting up her feet as she ran.




No. Her eyes never left his motionless body. Blood was splatted against the floor near his head. Paramedics slid his body onto a bed and wheeled him into the ambulance. She slowly stalked after it in a daze. Bodies blocked her way before voices sounded around her. Words like "family" and "sister" were passed around until the bodies moved out of her way. Her eyes were dry as she sat beside Coal and was driven to the hospital.

Bennett ran from his work place to the hospital. He finally reached the far end of the room, to Coals bed. Juliet stood beside him in a daze, eyes void of any emotion.

"No," he whispered. Not again. He couldn't lose someone again. Coal's lifeless body had turned a pale colour, his tanned skin long forgotten. Before a tear could slide down his cheeks, he turned to face Juliet. She wore the same face he wore when Elle died. It was the face he wore when he didn't except it. It was the face he wore when he broke. It broke his heart more then anything to see his own daughter wearing it.

Juliet was dwarfed in her father's arms. Her eyes were still dry. She thought she would never smell that scent again. That familiar scent of pine trees and mint that only her father had. It reminded her of the time she went to the park with her parents and Coal. She was seven and Coal was in her mother's arms. The park was her own little kingdom.

"Daddy is the king," she placed a crown made out of grass on his head, "Mommy is the queen," she placed a daisy crown on her head, "I'm the princess and Coal's the prince."

Her parents laughed along with her, Coal chortled in mom's arms. Those three people made up her world, her reason to work and live. It would never be the same again since two of the pieces were permanently missing. Only that thought caused streams of water to run down her face.


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