Chapter Three

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Evangeline put on a brave face although her heart was stammering wildly. Time flew by last night. She had been working on a new and powerful spell that wouldn't require a lot of stamina. Before she knew it, there was light outside and her eyes felt droopy. She tried rubbing the sleep from her eyes but it didn't help.

Suddenly, she wasn't the only one in the room. She slowly stood up, pinned her back against the wall, and made herself as scarce as possible. Someone had somehow slipped through the barrier surrounding her house and broke in. She was standing face to face with the most beautiful person she had ever seen. He wasn't beautiful in the sense of handsome, it was more angelic beautiful. His large violet wings was a work of art, strong muscles and tendons needed for flight and dazzling to look at. Evangeline had to tear her eyes from them and meet him in the eye.

"Evangeline? Evangeline Stone?," he asked. Somehow his voice was beautiful too. Hold on a second. How did he know her name?

"Who are you?" She asked, memory of a spell forming in her head.

"I'm your Guardian Angel."

As soon as the words left his mouth, it was code red alert. Before she knew it, she was reciting a spell. Evangeline watched his eyes roll to the back of his head and his body went limp. He collapsed on the ground in a thud.

She just stared at his unconscious body for a while. What the heck was she supposed to do now? She ran towards the trap door and slid through. She didn't bother climbing down the ladder and just jumped. Running to the kitchen, Evangeline began calling for her grandmother. Her grandmother stood there cooking some breakfast whilst humming. Although her grandmother was well over a hundred, she looked like she was in her late twenties. She had a handy spell to keep her young despite her age. She had long auburn locks that fell at her waist and mocha coloured skin just like Evangeline. She had warm brown eyes that were a lot older and wiser than her appearance and unlike Evangeline, she was slender and tall. An exasperated Evangeline ran through the kitchen door. She really needed to do some exercise, the trap door was only down the corridor for heavens sake.

"Grandma," she was wheezing through words, " unconscious....what should I do?"

Her grandmother had an amused smile on her face as she patted Evangeline's shoulder. "Sit down, dear. Honestly, you really need some exercise," she said chuckling.

When Evangeline could breathe again, she explained to her grandmother what had happened. She was kind of expecting her to freak out or dash out one of her ancient books. Instead, her eyes filled with curiosity and excitement as she jumped up and down. Evangeline could only blink up at her, thinking her grandma had finally lost it after so many years. What was she expecting? Her grandmother never got scared, in fact, she got excited over the scary stuff. Things like werewolves and vampires fascinated her for some odd reason.

"Where is he?" She asked in wonder.

"I just told you. He's in the attic."

Her grandmother grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the ladder. She had surprising strength and power for someone who was constantly using a spell to stay younger. She half dragged her up the ladder and through the trap door. The angel was still lying there unconscious. Grandmother pulled out a camera and started taking pictures of him. Evangeline couldn't help but face palm and let out a sigh. Her grandma twisted his body so she could get a better look at his face. Even unconscious, his face was beautiful but one thing kicked her out of her imagination world.

His eyes were open.


When Coal was finally conscious, he felt a hand push his body till he was facing the ceiling. It was a women in her late twenties staring down at him in wonder and curiosity that finally snapped him out of his daze. He stood up so fast he knocked the women over and scanned his surroundings.

"I-I was knocked on conscious," a hand placed on the back of his head. He saw Evangeline standing beside the women. Jabbing a finger towards her, his face turned dark and cold. Coal had had about enough of being knocked out.

"What is the matter with you?!" He yelled.

"Me? What wrong with you? You don't just sneak up behind someone and expect not to be attacked!"

He began to walk towards her.

"Why you-,"

"Woah!" The women stood between the two, "you two need to calm down."

Even though she was talking to the both of them, the women was staring directly at Evangeline. Coal saw the burning embers on her clenched fists before they turned into whispers of smoke.

"Would you like to join us for breakfast? If you really are Evangeline's Guardian Angel, then you will be sticking with us for a while, now won't you?"

The look on Evangeline's caused him to say, "I would be delighted to," with a grin.

"What's your name, boy?" The women asked.

"Coal Black. Pleasure to meet you. And you are..."

"Victoria Stone. Pleasure to meet you too."

They shared a warm smile while Evangeline was still standing there baffled. How could her grandmother act so... casual? This 'Coal' was starting to piss her off with his arrogant attitude but now, he's winning over her grandma! Breakfast was more lively with this new and uninvited guest who seemed to suck up to her grandma for her displeasure. The sneak glances at her had confirmed it.

The Guardian Angel Service. One of the main groups that work with supernaturals in the afterlife. Anyone - humans, werewolves, vampires, ogres, elementals - could become a Guardian Angel. They would have to die sincerely guarding someone or something, the risk of death evading their minds. It also depended on whether or not they wanted to stay dead. Guardian Angels are all immortal unless they are devoured by dark magic. Evangeline couldn't tell how old Coal was, their bodies were immortal after all. If he really was Evangeline's 'Guardian Angel', their souls were linked.

In other words, if she died he would too and if he died... she would too.


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