Chapter Nine

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They found themselves stepping into the main room, both a dinning and living room and on the far side was a kitchen. Comfortable cushions were placed around the warm hearth and a wooden desk stacked with leather books stood in the middle of the large room. Three other rooms led off the main room.

A women in her mid 20s stood in the kitchen. Her obsidian hair fell just below her ears and her warm brown eyes turned to face them. Her lips pulled back into a smile so infectious that Evangeline couldn't help but smile back. The women continued to cook then placed two plates full of eggs, bacon and cups of orange juice on the table.

"You kids must be hungry. Sit down and eat before we talk," she said gently. They didn't need to be told twice. Coal and Evangeline sat in the wooden stools and wolfed down their food. The women stood patiently before them, a warm smile still on her face. Once they were finished, she picked the plates up, washed them then led them to the hearth. She sat in a cushioned chair and they sat opposite her.

"Evangeline and Coal?" She asked.

"Yup, that's us. And you're Melisandre?"

"Yes, I am. Why have you come here?" Her voice still gentle.

"My grandmother, Victoria, sent us here. She-," Evangeline couldn't say the word. Luckily, Coal jumped in and covered her.

"She passed away. She sent us here hoping you would protect us."

"Protect you?" Melisandre laughed, "and why in the world would I do that?"

"Because you're a relative. Surely you wouldn't..." Evangeline remembered what her grandma always used to tell her. Her relatives were powerful and evil. Melisandre smiled, as though she was reading her thoughts, then stood and approached the hearth. The fire illuminated half her face, the rest lost in shadows.

"I need to know whether or not it will be useful to have you around. Your strengths, your weaknesses - I'll learn them all," she looked back and her smile was long gone, "follow me."

She led them over to the third door. It was larger then the other two and was made out of steel. Evangeline could feel the dark magic radiating off of it, beckoning her to come closer. Melisandre stood as still as death. Gone was the kind, welcoming women they met only minutes ago. She was replaced with a being as ancient as time, her powers stronger then death. Eyes full of cruelty and loathing, she turned her intense gaze on Evangeline. She couldn't help but flinch beneath it as Melisandre shook her head.

"I bet your grandmother told you if I didn't like you I would kill you. She was always the suspicious one in the family. Well, her suspicions only got her so far, didn't it? She was right about one thing, though. If she doesn't like you, she most certainly will kill you." Her eyes danced with amusement as she watched their expressions. They probably believed she was psychotic, referring to herself in third person. Chucking quietly to herself, she opened the door with nothing more then the wave of her hand. She called upon the wind and chucked their bodies through the door.

It took a while for Coal to register what was happening. It was all happening too fast. One minute they were standing before a steel door then the next they were falling.

And falling.

And falling.

When Coal finally felt his sanity escaping him as he wondered how long they were going to fall for, they landed on the ground. The impact would have killed her if he hadn't grabbed Evangeline and spread his wings out to their full size. This slowed their fall but the cold cement slapping against him sent a shock through his body. He released Evangeline, the pain in his back growing unbearable. So this was how he was going to die again. Truthfully, he expected something more flashy but dying on the ground without accomplishing much in his second chance at life would suck.

He saw Evangeline lean over him as she slowly lifted the back of his head. She was saying something but Coal couldn't hear. Well, at least he wasn't all alone. A sharp pain erupted through his left cheek and suddenly, he could hear again. Evangeline was screaming for him to get up. The pain in his back had become nothing more then a throb as he realised he was being healed. The dark spots that lingered in his eyes disappeared and it wasn't a trouble seeing anymore. With Evangeline's help, he stood up. He noticed many things then.

1) They stood in a maze, looming walls surrounded them.

2) His left wing was broken.

3) A dragon stood in front of them.

The dragon stood a few metres before them, eyes full of curiosity. It was no bigger then a battle horse but its claws could reduce the toughest into ribbons of flesh and bone. Its large, orange orbs read them. They both froze as it drew closer and closer until it was leaning over them. A thrumming came from its jaw and nostrils, wisps of smoke, but nothing compared to the fire it could draw out. For a moment, Coal had began to wish he had died from the fall. He could finally see the colours of its scales, a sea of turquoise covered its body. Evangeline slowly brought her hand out, as mesmerised by something as Coal was. It took him a moment to realise it was magic, swirling and dancing around them. The dark walls were illuminated by their light and the soft tendrils seeped through Coals' very existence.

The dragons head dropped down. It sniffed Evangeline's palm then rested its body on the floor, satisfied with whatever it had smelled. Evangeline stood there in shock. Never had she ever imagined magic to be so beautiful, so enchanting. She had only ever used it for hunting Mortem, hidden it from everyone in her life. Soon, she had started to despise it. Humans couldn't comprehend the supernatural but they could sense when they were close, causing them to feel uneasy around her. She never had anything other then her grandmother that loved her for what she was.

Ever since she was a little girl, she secretly hated every time she used magic. It was nothing more then a tool, the reason she couldn't be close with anyone, the reason why they never stayed in the same place for more than a year. But seeing it now, light and beautiful, chasing the shadows and darkness out, Evangeline felt as though she was seeing it for the first time.

Melisandre's figure appeared beside her, smiling proudly. "First trial, complete. You both have powerful magic running through you. If you hadn't," she placed a hand on the dragons head, "you would have been burnt to ashes."

She glanced at Evangeline before she smiled. "Beautiful, no? Magic runs through everything and everyone, even humans, though they haven't got much of it," she lifted her hand and the light passed through it. "It is gentle and warm as it is just a weapon. It can grow evil depending on who wields it. It is one of the most ancient forces created. When in doubt go towards it." She was now facing Evangeline as she said, "As it will be the guide towards your destination."

She glanced at Coal, the intensity of her eyes causing him to grow uncomfortable. Something else shone behind those eyes, something close to surprise. Then her expressions grew serious once more as she turned her gaze deeper into the maze. "Your second trial will be to reach the end of this maze by the end of this month. Be warned as this is no ordinary maze. It was twisted and formed by our ancestors, each turn and corner leading you somewhere you least expect. Never lose sight of where you want to go or you will lose sight of yourself."

With that, she disappeared and with her, the magic and the dragon.


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