Chapter Six

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Victoria chanted the words from the top of her head. The familiar powerful words slipped out her tongue like a dark lullaby as her eyes shut in concentration. She felt the blood rush beneath her skin, summoning power from the source in her body - her heart. The heart is supernaturals weakness as much as their strength. All sources of magic came from the vital organ - whether that bring spells, shapeshifting, or any other type of magic -  causing it to be the only weakness in a supernatural body. This is why the smallest attack to it could be fatal, physically and magically.

The moon illuminating the bedroom floor, casting shadows onto Evangeline's and Coal's sleeping bodies. She made sure to keep quite and her voice calm and soothing as she placed a hand on Evangeline's head. People say magic is completely different from science and medicine which isn't entirely true. It was a natural phenomenon and had its own rules that needed to be followed. Over the years, it had become second nature to Victoria but the hesitating thought still loomed over her as she chanted her spell. All magic was delicate, and one little mistake could change everything. She had to handle it with care and thought or the results could be deadly.

As she felt her magic work, a little glow shinned beneath Evangeline's eye lids. It was faint and soft but Victoria knew very well that there was more then what met the eyes. She was changing the very inherited genes within Evangeline to change her eye colour. Her chest rose and fell at a steady pace as Victoria concentrated hard. The reason she didn't just glamour her eyes was simply because she couldn't. If Victoria didn't have eyes on Evangeline's eyes at all times, the glamour wouldn't work. Therefore, she needed a more complex and sustainable spell in order for this to work. Every full moon, she would feel the effects of the spell wear off. She needed to re-new it every new month. It was more difficult for Victoria now that Coal slept on a mattress close to Evangeline's bed and jumped every time he heard an unnatural sound.

Once she was done, she quietly left the room with a 15-year-old secret still weighing heavily on her shoulders.

Evangeline woke up with a start. It was already 8 o'clock, she was going to be late. Tripping over Coals left wing, she raced to the bathroom whilst carrying her uniform. She showered, got changed, and brushed her teeth in record time as she stumbled out the bathroom. Running back up the stairs to the attic, she grabbed her bag and books and sprinted back towards her room. Coal was still knock out asleep on the ground, his wings spreading out across her bedroom floor. Why couldn't he sleep somewhere else? It's not like we haven't got a guest room. Suddenly, a thought came back to her. A mischievous smile grew on her lips as she slowly backed out the room.

Running down to the bathroom, she grabbed a bucket and filled it with ice cold water. She stalked up the stairs, an insane look on her face. If anyone saw me now, she thought, I would look crazy. After hauling the bucket of water up the stairs, she silently opened her bedroom door. Luckily, Coal was still asleep. He looked peaceful and his expressions were so softened and innocent in his sleep that she almost felt sorry for what she was about to do. Almost.

Dumping the water onto his face, Coal sprang up so fast that she didn't have time to see it. His eyes were bulging out of his head in alarm and the pyjamas Evangeline's grandmother brought for him was dripping wet. She couldn't help but burst out laughing at his appearance. Her legs buckled in weakness and she collapsed onto the ground in laughter. She didn't wait to see his reaction as tears of laughter rippled down her cheeks. Next second she knew, she was hauled up from the ground and pinned against the wall behind her. His expression was serious and eerily calm.

"Why did you do that?" He asked through gritted teeth. The ferocity behind his words made her hesitate for a second. He was a guardian angel - a being that has lived for thousands upon thousands of years. Evangeline only then noticed she was talking to an ancient and powerful being. Even in this dangerous situation, Evangeline could not stop the slight giggle the escaped her mouth. As soon as it came, she couldn't stop it. She was soon weak with laughter again. If he wasn't holding her up against the wall, she would have collapsed on the ground again.

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