Chapter Twelve

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Two canine teeth fell to his chin. His blue iris's dominated his entire eye and his dirt-blond hair had changed to a more golden colour but it was Luke.

"Luke?" She whispered, not believing her own eyes. He simply smiled and waved at her as if nothing was different.

"What are you doing here?" Coal asked. He too was surprised. He'd suspected something off about him when they first met but nothing like this...

"It seems like you know one another," the beautiful women had said. "But that conversation can be had elsewhere."

The wolf-like women nodded before approaching them. Evangeline was still in shock that she didn't even register her movements until she was right before her. She then stuck her nose out and sniffed the both of them. Her eyes forced them to stand still as she inspected them. The women turned to face the other Elders. "There's no black magic on them - they're not being controlled."

"Good, Good." The giant said, his deep voice booming. "That means I can go back to teaching my lessons, Alessandra?"

The beautiful women who's name was Alessandra shook her head slightly. "Not yet." She turned to face them, her face suddenly tired, "what are we going to do with them?"

"I, for one, like the girl," the large wolf said. "Judging by his scent, the boy wouldn't die easily. Besides, he's probably older then any of us."

All eyes fell on Coal. The Elders looked at him with a hint of something in their eyes. Coal could even say it was fear. He quickly raised his hand in defence.

"Look people. I'm only seventeen last time I checked. I'm not older then any of you," he looked at Luke, "most of you."

The Elders looked at Alessandra for confirmation. She nodded her head and the giant looked baffled. "He's only a cub."

"He hadn't gained his abilities yet. It's rare to see a Guardian Angel," Alessandra looked at him piercingly, "it's even more rare to see a young one." Coal simply shrugged. He didn't understand it much himself.

"So," Evangeline said, bringing attention back to her and off of Coal. "What's gonna happen now?"

The Elders looked at one another. The goblin stared at them viciously and his gaze fell suspiciously towards their necks. Coal shifted uneasily under its gaze but Evangeline stared it down with a new found confidence. It seemed as though she was over her shock of seeing Luke and was back to her short-tempered self. Coal somehow relaxed with her standing beside him like a hound ready to strike.

"Let's put it to a vote. Who wishes for them to leave if they swear oaths to never speak of this city to anyone?"

Alessandra raised her hand as well as the giant, Luke, wolf and wolf-like women. The goblin simply continued to glare at them with hatred and venom.

"5 to 1. It is decided. You should stay the night though. You look tired and hungry. All lights will be turned off in a few hours so food will be sent up to the rooms. Meeting dismissed."

The Elders began to leave the room one-by-one until the only ones left were Luke, Coal and Evangeline.

Luke sighed heavily and placed a palm on his head. "You two have no idea what you just avoided."

Evangeline crossed her arms and Coal continued to stare at him. Luke sighed through his nose once more before looking back at them with his unnerving eyes. "You have questions, right?"

"Hell yes we do."

"I'll explain to you on the way to your rooms."

With that, they made their way out of the room and up the spiral stairs at the entrance. They passed many corridors and guards that bowed their heads to Luke and looked at them suspiciously. Finally when they reached a long corridor on the West wing of the gigantic building. "So, ask away."

"How? Why? When? And what are you? Who are you? Where-,"

"One question at a time. I might not be human but I can only answer one at a time."

"Fine. What are you?" She asked.

Luke cocked his head to side slightly. "That's a hard question to answer. Hmm. A vampire. Sort of."

"What the hell? Sort of?"

"A) I age and will die of old age. I can't die from anything else though. B)I inherited this gene from my mother. So I'm not a vampire. I'm something else."

"Hold on," Coal said. "I thought your mom passed away."

"She did. But not from a car crash. A creature in the waste land got to her." Luke's voice was barely above a whisper.

"Oh." Coal didn't say sorry. He remembered how pathetic it sounded when people said it to him when his mother passed. It seemed fake and forced and Coal hated it. He thought Luke would probably hate it too.

"Hold on. I know about you. Or more of what you are." Coal and Luke turned to face her. "I read it in a book once. You are a Caedis. They are within the family of vampires. You have many qualities that are no different from any other vampire but at the same time is completely different. The magic that runs through the blood is passed on from descendant to descendant hence the name Caedis which translates to 'blood'. The magic gets stronger and stronger as it is passed along. Last anyone heard, the clan was driven to extinction a few hundred years ago. I didn't know they still existed."

Luke shrugged. "I've yet to meet anyone like me so we're probably close to extinction. Caedis, huh?"

"That doesn't explain why you're an Elder."

"I've been coming here with my mother ever since I was a kid. My dad was human, you see, so my mother couldn't tell him about this place without explaining the supernatural which was forbidden in this city unless the human was a hunter. That's why we only came here in the summer and I went to school with my mothers glamor - to make me look more human." A ball of light came down from up on the ceiling to his palm. "I could be myself here. I didn't have to conceal who I was or what I was even though I desperately wanted to tell my dad. I slowly got stronger and stronger until I was offered a spot with the Elders after my mothers spot was vacated after her death. No matter how desperate I was to live here, I couldn't leave my dad back up on the surface. So, whenever I'm free, I come down here as Elder and help rule this large city."

"You're only fifteen for God's sake!" Coal exclaimed.

Luke grinned mischievously. "Which is the only reason why this city is actually fun to live in. The youngest Elder who comes up with all the exciting things to do here. Ah! Here's your rooms."

They stood at the far end of the corridor, beside two doors that stood next to one another. "You two had better stay in these rooms, lock the door and do not leave for any reason." Luke looked them both in the eyes. "You noticed the look Gorge the Goblin gave you, right? He's out for blood. He's hated all humans in this city. Coal you were a human in your past life. That's enough for him to come after you and call it an accident."

"He can't do that!"

"He can and he will. I'll be guarding your door tonight. Just in case he tries anything," he placed a hand on their shoulders. "So don't worry! The mighty Caedis is on your side."

Coal snorted and shrugged his hand off whilst Evangeline blushed under the contact. She still wasn't over her stupid crush she thought ended when she saw him for what he was. And yet here she is blushing like a little girl! She shrugged off his hand before wishing him and Coal a goodnight and rushed into her room.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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