Chapter Five

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The rest of the day flew by. Coal still sat close beside her throughout all their lessons. It was kind of getting to her, did he not know of any personal space? The glances towards him and occasionally her was unusual. She liked to stay unnoticed and out of everyone's drama because she got less noticed that way. Before, when she had many people around her, she accidentally used a spell. She became known as "Witchling" seeing as her grandmother was the "elder witch". They weren't wrong but her and her grandmother had to move because they were exposed. It was dangerous for humans to find out about supernaturals - it was against the law. Werewolves messed up back in the ancient times but somehow convinced people that they were just myths. There weren't as many warlocks and witches as other supernaturals but this way, it was harder to find out they existed.

As soon as she entered this school, she kept her head down and distanced herself from anything and everything. It worked that way since she started this school when she was 11 and until now when she was 15, which is a record time for Evangeline not exposing who she really was. Then Coal had to show up and bring attention to her every time she spoke, and not the good kind either.

Sighing through her nose, Evangeline was glad the day was almost over. She just had to get through one more lesson and school was out. Unfortunately, chemistry was the last lesson. The classroom was different from the others. Instead of desks and chairs, four long lab tables occupied the room, the one in front of the white board belonging to the teacher. All chairs were stacked up at the back, today was a practical day. Glass beakers and flasks were placed on the tables with chemical solutions beside them.

Mr McLean was standing at the front of the room, registration book in hand. He told students to put themselves in groups of threes and start the practical. The risk assessments, method, variables and hazards were planned out for the past few lessons. Luckily, Coal wasn't there in those painful hours of planning and planning. As soon as he was done with the register, the class began to split into threes. There was exactly twenty-seven of them so threes were possible.

They stood there waiting for the other free student. A guy, with dirt-blond hair,  approached them with a grin. He was tall, almost as tall as Coal, and had aqua orbs that board into theirs.

"Hey," he said, "my name's Luke. Nice to meet ya." He held out a hand and Evangeline shook it. When he extended his hand out to Coal, he just stared at him until he put his hand back down.

"I'm Evangeline and this is-"

"The handsome-new-transfer student everyone has been talking about?"

"Coal," she said flatly. Evangeline had mastered the ability to keep all emotions from her face but she couldn't help the small blush forming on her cheeks. Well, technically her face remained the same dark colour but she could feel the heat beneath it. She had had a crush on Luke since her third year at this school. This was the first time speaking to him, however, since she met him. She didn't know what she liked best, his deep blue eyes or the mischievous grin almost always embedded on his face. She could only remember once three years ago when his face was cold and expressionless; right around the time he had lost his mother.

Evangeline, Coal and Luke made their way to the flasks and chemicals at the side of the room. They took turns with the practical although somehow, Coal managed to break three flasks, spill the dangerous chemical on the floor and bump into her while holding a beaker with a chemical reaction taking place within it.

All of this was an 'accident' and 'wasn't entirely his fault'.

She and Luke had to clean up after him. Evangeline dragged him over to a seat to the left of her and forced him to sit on it until they finished cleaning up the mess.

"You are not allowed to move from the seat until I say so, understand?"

Coal nodded guiltily. Luke was chuckling in the back causing Evangeline's face to heat again and Coal to send him a glare.

She kept an eye on him the entire time, just encase he did something stupid. By the time they had finished cleaning up, the rest of the class had finished the practical and were writing down there results. Furious, Evangeline rushed the rest of the practical with Luke's help. Somehow, they managed to finish, write down the results and clean their hands a minute before the bell went off. Sighing heavily, Evangeline picked up her bag; getting ready to go home. Coal followed her out the classroom.

"Hey! Wait up," Luke yelled from behind them. Evangeline turned to find him walking beside them a moment later. How the heck did he reach them so fast?

Conversation started between the three of them and slowly Evangeline relaxed her tense muscles. Luke had a bubbly and talkative personality, the complete opposite of a certain someone she knew. Evangeline couldn't take her eyes off of him as they reached the school entrance. He waved at them and she waved back, Coal being too lazy to wave back, before he disappeared behind the school. The both of them continued their walk back to her house.

"Do you have somewhere else to stay other then my house?" She asked.

"Yes," he said simply.

"Then why do you live at my place?"

Coal didn't feel like giving a detailed explanation so he gave her the shortened down reason and said, "because I'm your guardian angel."

Evangeline knew she was going to do some research as soon as she got home on guardian angels. The rest of the walk was in silence. Evangeline watched the small snowflakes that descended down the sky in an eternal beautiful dance. The snow encased buildings, the cold winter wind that gently stroked against her cheeks, the beautiful creation of nature falling down the sky - winter was her favourite season of the year although it was the most dangerous. Within the beautiful season, there was coldness. Where there was coldness - there was death.

Even when she was enjoying the trip back to her house, her eyes were wide open and scanned her surroundings. Coal didn't seem to notice although Evangeline couldn't tell with him. And so, Evangeline was ready for anything as she made her way into her neighbourhood. She knew once she was inside, she was safe within the Shield Of Protection surrounding her house. The familiar round red eyes she sensed earlier at school returned. She was so close to her home. Grabbing Coal by the wrist, she sprinted toward her house.

The sudden change of movement caused the Mortem to jump into action.

It was a race against time. Could she make it to her house before the Mortem reached her or will it catch her and she would have to fight? She was hoping for option one as the creature behind them was no amateur Mortem.

Coal caught on to what was happening. He picked Evangeline up with ease and ran faster towards the door. The glamour surrounding him wore off and he used his wings as boosters. They tore at the wind, pushing him forward. The creature was gaining on them fast, 20 metres away, 15 metres away, 10 metres, 5 meters. Using all his strength, Coal pushed open the front door, breaking the door lock in the process and slammed the door behind him. He heard the impact of the creature slamming into it with such force that it shuck the walls. Victoria came running towards them shocked. She felt something repeatedly smacking against the Shield outside the house.

Evangeline climbed out of Coal's arms awkwardly. Her heart was in her mouth after that life and death situation but being lifted and carried by Coal put her again in an uncomfortable position. He didn't mind however as he was doing his job. Evangeline stormed up the stairs, leaving a confused grandmother and the source of her embarrassment downstairs.


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