Chapter Eleven

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The large room was spotless, not a spec of dust in any of the corners. But Evangeline knew it was old, the ancient magic hung thick and dense in the air. The room itself was huge and could fit hundreds of others and still have room for more. However, six cloaked figures and their attendants were the only ones that occupied the room. Their faces and bodies were covered and Evangeline couldn't distinguish who was female or male. She couldn't even tell if they were human.

Evangeline understood now why Artie had said they had a presence. Each and every single one had powerful magic running through them. She could almost choke on the thickness of it and how it spread across her entire body. Jen and Artie stepped forward and bowed low, both fists touching their brows, and introduced themselves along with Evangeline and Coal.

"Why are you here?" The one on the left asked. Judging by her voice, Evangeline thought she was a female. Her voice was equal parts purr and growl. She swallowed audibly. Definitely not human.

Coal stepped forward as he believed she was addressing them.

"We are simply passing through."

The creature let off a sound that closely resembled a snort but Evangeline couldn't be too sure.

"Passing through? The Waste Lands? Do you have a death wish or are you just stupid?"

The creature turned its head to the other figures, "Can't we just kill them and get this over with?"

A small flush rushed through her. Her senses had been fried during the last few days. Maybe that's what caused her to blurt out, "Now you listen here you stupid snake. I haven't just experienced hell just to be killed by the likes of you. We told you we are simply passing through! If you had just let us, we would have been on our way out of here. And yet you speak as though we are wasting your time. We only have a month to escape! So either you let us go or we will fight and destroy you before we go." At her last words, she summoned blue fire into her palm.

There was dead silence in the room. Jen and Artie seemed to be holding her breath and Coal looked at her as though she had grown two heads. A good long minute passed before the creature erupted in squeaks and hisses.

It took a moment for her to realise it was laughing.

Shortly after, the figure standing beside the creature began to laugh too. Evangeline was pleased to hear it was a normal masculine laugh, a human. The third figure merely sighed and after a moment pushed the hood back.

To reveal the most gorgeous woman Evangeline had ever seen.

"The two of you! Stop this at once," she turned to face the rest of the cloaked figures. "There is no point in wearing these anymore. The girl and boy speak the truth."

The others removed their cloaks and the intense magic that hung in the air vanished. The one on the far corner was a goblin. Its pale skin and milky eyes shone in the light. It was short, barely reaching Evangeline's knee. The one beside it was a wolf-like women who was covered in animal fur and daggers. Her dark hair was pulled back into a low ponytail. She had a scar running from her temple down to her upper lip and had serious blue eyes. The one that stood beside her was a very large man, too large. A mighty axe hung on his broad shoulders, almost completely hidden behind his crimson mane. His arms rippled with magic and muscle that could crush her with one swipe. The magic of the cloaks had completely hidden them, Evangeline had believed they were all of average height and built.

The beautiful women who spoke on their behalf stood tall and proud. She had long silver locks that flowed down her back to her waist, a silk dress that hugged all her curves and a tattoo of a dove that ran from her wrist to her shoulder. Her high cheek bones stood tall beneath her sun-kissed skin. Full, red lips complimented her amber eyes that gazed down at them knowingly. She was simply gorgeous and Evangeline felt self-conscious before her.

She wasn't the one that shook her though. The creature that had been laughing had removed its cloak to reveal a large feline. It had a golden fur coat and dwarfed everything in the room, including the giant who stood several feet above her. It had a muscular yet lean body, magic visibly moving across its fur. Its eyes were huge balls of sea-green that twinkled with amusement. Even this wasn't what had shocked her however.

The one she had assumed was human was what left her frozen.

It was Luke.


Sorry for the long wait, guys!

Here's the new chapter.

Hope you enjoy this and continue to watch Evangeline and Coal grow as characters.

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