Chapter Thirteen

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Coal stood outside his room with Luke. He'd only known the guy through Evangeline's babbling and a short lesson at school but was still shocked to have found him here. They stood together for a moment longer.

"You knew what I was back at school?" Coal suddenly asked.

Luke stared at him with his blue orbs. "Do you know what you are, Coal?"

"A Guardian Angel."

"Which is what exactly?"

"--," Coal paused before he could answer. What was he really? All he knew was that he was meant to protect Evangeline, even though she was capable of doing that herself. Why was he even there? Why was he brought back to life? Who brought him back to life? Most of all, who or what was the power that aided him back when he saved that women and child? So many questions, no answers.

"You're apart of the GAS - Guardian Angel  Service. It's a stupid name, especially coming from a group that are as old as time. Anyway, the service is run by the Head Minister Of Angels. The last anyone had heard of him was a millennia ago, most supernaturals believe him devoured by dark magic. Guess not. You're the first Guardian Angel people have seen in this city for a long time."

"You're surprisingly informed for a person who didn't even know what he was up until ten minutes ago." Coal said with a chuckle.

"That's not my fault! The other Elders didn't think it was important as long as I knew how to control my powers. Besides, you can't speak. You don't know what you were up until a minute ago."

Coal abruptly stopped laughing and glared at him. Luke glared back. A moment later they were laughing together.

Luke leaned against the opposite wall and crossed his arms. "You know there's a legend," he wiggled his eyebrows, waiting for Coal to take the bait. He simply rolled his eyes and waved him to continued on. "The legend states that there is a being that watches over all Guardian Angels. He is the one that chooses who becomes an Angel. Whenever a Guardian is in true danger, this being will appear to aid them. Some say it's a god. Others believe that it's simply a supernatural helping them. Though one thing is certain, something or someone helps them."

"Do you believe it's true?"

Luke shrugged. "Before I was nine I believed vampires were not real. The truth can be wrapped in layers dust over time but it's the truth none the less."

Coal looked at him in mock disgust. "You sound like an old man."

"At least I don't look like one."

"I'm barely two years older then you."

"And you'll be the first to get grey hairs."

Coal couldn't say anything to that. With Evangeline and protecting her has caused to happen to him over the last few days, he was bound to have a heart attack one day. As if Luke read his mind, he reached out and patted him on the shoulder sympathetically. "Don't worry. You're immortal and your body doesn't change." Thank God.

With that, Coal entered his room.


The food was brought to Evangeline's room. She didn't realise how hungry she was until the fresh aroma of chicken and hot potatoes hit her nose. She wolfed the food down and washed it down with a cup of water.

One month. Just one month to prove to Melisandre that she was useful. Melisandre spoke as if there was something to battle - something coming. There was always something to battle but a sense of foreboding hovered over her. She felt as though she was forgetting something. Something important. Evangeline closed her eyes and probed at her brain with magic. She concentrated, felt the rush of blood beneath her skin, every pore on her body and completely blocked out all sounds. She closely inspected her memories of the last several days. She spoke the word of Power, "Ostendo!"

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 22, 2019 ⏰

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