Chapter Two

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Coal was surrounded by darkness. Endless, cold darkness. He couldn't hear, see, taste or smell anything. He couldn't remember his name, who he was - what he was. He was just floating in an endless abyss eternally. Suddenly, he saw a light. It was bright and warm and chased the darkness away. It held out a hand, beckoning him to reach out. Instinctively, he did - not wanting to return to that empty space. The light enveloped him.

Time wasn't there. Life and death wasn't there. It was just light. Bright white light.

He opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was a white ceiling. He took in his surroundings. He was in a small room, four white walls around him. A small glass window was beside his bed. He was lying in a hospital bed. Why was he lying in a hospital bed? His memory returned to him fast. His family, his school, his life flashed before his eyes. He jumped up with surprising agility but he was too panicked to realise. He didn't notice the sudden weight on his back either.

Someone else was in the room.

Juliet and his father sat on two wooden chairs across him. He raced over to them, not caring if he knocked things over in the process. He shook their shoulders vigorously only to find his hands passing right through them. He brought his fingers to his face and examined them. They looked the same. He tried again but his fingers slid through them. He raced towards the window to eye himself.

Holy shit.

Coal looked completely different. His platinum blond hair reverted back to its original dark black colour. His face had been changed too. A strong, sharp jaw line, high cheek bones and a refined nose reflected back at him. Panicked grey eyes moved its gaze towards his back. Large vibrant-purple feather wings hung from his shoulder blades. They were strong and muscular and dragged behind him when he walked.

He took deep and long breathes then sat back down on the bed, head in his palms. Questions filled his head. Why was he not dead? Why was he there? Who put him there? Why does he look so different?

A raspy voice sounded in his ears. He fell silent as he listened closely to it. It was a man, an old man speaking to him. Static sounded in his head as he began to speak.

Coal? Coal Black? This is the Head Minister Of Angels, also known as, H.M.O.A. You must be wondering, why am I still alive? You're not. Unfortunately, you died. However, because of the cause and reason of your death, you have been chosen to become a guardian angel. You will be given a supernatural being to protect and guard with your... umm... life. It is our duty to protect supernaturals who are in danger. You have been sent to guard a young women named Evangeline Stone. You will find her shortly. Good luck Coal, our newest guardian angel to G.A.S, Guardian Angel Service.

The mans voice went silent. What the hell was that? Suddenly, a small flicker of light appeared in his chest. It was small but it urged him to move. Instinctively, Coal rose and stepped out of the room.

Coal glanced back at Juliet and his dad before he left the room.

Once he reached the roof top of the hospital, the early morning air fanned against his face. It was still night, white freckles' filled the sky. The full moon glowed in the light night sky, giving light to the earth. Coal closed his eyes, allowing the cold wind to sweep against his wings. He tried stretching them out. Almost immediately, they grew to their full size - it was like an extension of his own body.

He gazed down at the busy streets of New York. Okay wings, don't fail me. He shut his eyes, allowing his senses to take over as he dropped his body off the roof. The wind pierced at his cheeks as he willed his wings to flap. The ground was getting closer and closer. He couldn't see his own reflection through the transparent mirrors of the skyscraper across the street when his wings began to flap. However, he didn't have the time to worry when his wings suddenly pushed him up. Up into the clouds, high above all the skyscrapers. The cold sky greeted him as he zoomed past. His mighty wings didn't falter for a moment. His heart beat thundered in his ears so heavily he couldn't tell if it was the breaking of the sound barrier.

Time flew by as he raced through the sky. Before he knew it, the sun began to rise up from behind the eastern horizon, sending warm strokes of yellow, orange and red into the sky. Coal didn't feel any fatigue as he allowed the flicker of light to guide him through the sky. A travel which should have taken hours took half an hour. He was standing on a roof of a building, a completely different landscape surrounding him. Light maroon coloured buildings stood at different heights all around him. Busy cars, taxis and people buzzed down on the street. He knew where he was.

London, England.

The small flicker in Coal's chest grew larger and stronger as it pulled him towards the opposite building he stood on. His body was moving on its own as he slipped through the concrete wall.

Holy cow! He could move through walls! His footsteps creaked on the floor, only then registering he was in someone's attic. The walls were a mahogany colour and the floor boards were dilapidated. There were ancient books scattered across the room, drawings of dark creatures on them. There was a trap door on the floor and a girl standing at the corner of the room; holding a spell book, she never left the spot she stood on. She was looking straight at him - she could see him.

The flicker of light enveloped his entire body. This was the girl he had to protect. Coal wasn't quite sure she needed protection since she knocked him out a few minutes later.


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