Chapter Four

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After breakfast, Evangeline went straight to her room. Her biology assignment wouldn't finish itself. It wasn't her best subject - though she enjoyed it - since mathematics was. Problem solving was her strong point along with algebra and English.

Q1) What is an enzyme?

A1) An enzyme is a biological catalyst made up of protein molecules to speed up the rate of reaction without being used and without making a product.

Evangeline had half an hour to finish up thirty more question with a migraine threatening at the back of her head. She massaged her temples and closed her eyes. Once she had finished, twenty-five minutes had past. Five minutes, just five minutes. The moment she put her head on the desk, she fell into a deep sleep. She was too exhausted to dream so she slept of darkness. A second later, she felt a hand on her shoulder shaking her roughly.

"Oi," the voice said, "you'll be late. Oi! Wake up."

With that last word, she was hit with a splash of freezing water. All her nerves jumped at the sudden temperature drop. A fit of coughs escaped her lips as she tried to compose herself.

"I told you to wake up. It's your own fault, now wake up," that familiar annoying voice ringed in her ears. Evangeline jumped up from her seat and grabbed him by the collar.

"What is the matter with you?! Are you insane, you dumbass!" She screamed. The one thing she hates most in life is being woken up from her sleep, especially by a moron who dumped ice cold water on her. His face was emotionless as he pointed towards the alarm clock on the desk. She glanced at it then turned back to him in question then glanced at it once more. Recognition finally dawned on her as she stared at the clock.

"Oh no. I'm so late!" She leaped towards her closet and pulled out her school uniform. The blazer was completely black other then the school logo imprinted on its left breast. The logo was the blue Earth that represented the 'unity of the school' and all students had to wear the uniform. Her skirt had to be black and no more then two inches above the knees. Her white cotton shirt had to be tucked into her skirt and her white and black striped tie had to be worn at all times. All shoes had to be plain black and beneath the ankle. Before she could begin to get changed, she took pleasure in physically forcing Coal out the room with a spell. She peeled off the wet clothes and dried herself off in record speed. She pulled on the uniform and put her hair in a messy bun before grabbing her bag and raced out the room.

"Morning, sweetheart."

"Morning, grandma! I got to go," Evangeline shoved a cinnamon bun into her mouth and ran out the door. She stopped abruptly when she sensed someone following behind her. Sighing through her nose, she turned around to find Coal standing there in all his arrogant glory.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Guarding you,"

"I'm just going to school,"

"I'm coming with you," he said matter-of-factly.

"You... are? I don't know if you know but in this day and age, if someone is spotted with large wings attached to their backs, they are counted as freaks,"

"What the hell? I know that," he paused for a second, "how old do you think I am?"

"I don't know. Old, I guess," she said shrugging.

"I'm seventeen. Are you blind or something?"

She only then remembered she was going to be late, "I haven't got time for you right now, okay?" She sprinted down the street at top speed which wasn't at all fast. She felt someone running beside her as she crossed the street. This time, Coal's wings was cloaked - enchanted to look as though it wasn't there. She could feel the feathers brushing against her as he ran beside her.

"How did you do that?" She asked. She noticed people glancing at her as she ran - glancing at the both of them.

"I don't know. I just wanted to hide them and allow people to see me as a regular guy and that's what happened," he said. He glamoured himself to be wearing the uniform, with black trousers, blazer, tie and the rest of the uniform. A minute later, Evangeline was out of breathe, muscles aching and straining to keep her running. Coal must have noticed this because the next second she knew, she was lifted off the ground and over his shoulder so fast she didn't have time to see it happen.

"What the flip are you doing? Put me down!" She screamed causing looks their way.

"You looked tired and it's my job to protect your well being," he said, although she could tell from his voice and the playful smile that wasn't the full story.

"Put me down right now before I kick you where the sun doesn't shine."

After a minute of contemplating his odds, he finally put her down. He had a grin on his face before she sent him a murderous glance. Coal was running behind her for the rest of the run, proving he wasn't as dumb as he led on. When they reached her school, he followed her to her first lesson.

"Won't the teacher notice you're not a student here?" She asked.

"No. I'm a transfer student from a different country after all," he said with a wink.

"That so,"

"Yes. Anyway, what's our first lesson?"


"Great, I have that lesson too! Let's go," he said, all but dragging her through the nearly empty hall way. They reached their lesson in a sweaty mess. Evangeline walked in and took her seat at the back near the window, as if she couldn't see the teacher glaring daggers at her. Nice 'ol Mr McLean. The source of Evangeline's misery in school life. He was a middle aged man with a brown goatee and dull eyes that seemed bored with everything. He was short - at least standing beside Coal - and was her maths and chemistry teacher. Ever since she burned his eyebrows, he set out as his duty to bring her as much stress and misery as possible.

When he finally noticed Coal standing there, he took a step back. Coal had that effect with everyone she guessed. He stared him straight in the eyes and Evangeline saw the magic being imbedded into his brain. Twenty-five pairs of eyes were on him in awe and amazement. When Mr McLean cleared his throat, he introduced Coal.

"This is Coal Black. He is a transfer student from America so I expect you to treat him with respect as you would to all the students," some of the girls in the classroom nodded their heads vigorously. Coal smirked at them, a display of straight white teeth and dimples above it. Jaws were left hanging open as he made his way over to the seat beside me.

"And Evangeline?"

"Yes, sir?" She ready knew what was coming.

"You have detention after school," with that the lesson began. It was the first day back after winter break and her head wasn't functioning right. Sleep, her body seemed to say as she dug her head into her pillowed arms. She gazed out the window and onto the snow encased woods behind the school. It looked so beautiful and peaceful that she started to doze off. When her eyes were shut and her conscious was slipping away from her, Evangeline remembered the two red dots staring at her through the trees.


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