Chap 1 - Blind Date

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(This takes place before Happy New Years in my one-shots book. This is the first meeting between Ink and Error, and Error is much more haphephobic.)



I felt like I should have more feelings about 'breaking up' with Blue, but I'm not sure we were ever really a thing. I lounged on my couch, wondering why I wasn't as upset as one would expect.

A knock on the door broke me out of my musings and I stood, going over to the door and opening it. I was surprised to find a grinning Blue, my now ex-boyfriend.

"Hey, Blue," I said, leaning on the door.

"Hiya, Error!" he said, "Mind if Dust and I come in?"

"Uh, sure," I said, stepping back to allow Blue and his very tall friend to enter. I shut the door and walked to the couch, resuming my slouched position. Blue's friend Dust sat lazily on one of the chairs, with Blue sitting on his lap. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"So, Error, this is my boyfriend, Dust!" Blue introduced. Dust waved. I waved back, looking at Blue.

"Why'd you bring him here?" I asked Blue, "What are you up to, Blue?"

"Well, I was talking with Dust about you," Blue said, shifting to face me more, "and we came up with an idea!"

"It was all his idea," Dust said lazily.

"We're going to set you up on a date!" Blue said excitedly.


I sighed, kicking at the dirt on the path of the park I walked in. My friend Dream walked with me. He was trying to comfort me, but I still felt angry at my ex. Even though we broke up two years ago, some bad decision and one-night stand pissed me off at him all over again.

"God, I'm so stupid," I said angrily, kicking the dust some more.

"It's not your fault, Ink," Dream said soothingly.

"Yeah, it is," I spat, "I saw him there and knew I should leave but I stayed. Then I tried to get my mind off him and hit on a few girls, but it just made him jealous! A few shots later and we're in his car..."

"Why'd you hit on girls if you were dating a guy?" Dream asked innocently. I glanced over at him, shrugging.

"I'm bi, Dream," I explained, "I like girls and boys."


We walked in silence for a little longer. My bright pink hair dangled in front of my face, but I didn't bother to sweep it away. I was trying to be emotional and angry but there's a reason emos don't dye their hair pink. Dream let me walk in silence, being there more for the company than anything.

His phone buzzed and he picked it up. He chuckled a bit and texted someone back.

I looked over at him to see his brows furrow. He glanced at me before putting his phone away.

"Dream, what's up?" I asked him. He shook his head, grinning.

"Nothing, Ink," his phone buzzed again but he ignored it.

The phone buzzed repeatedly but Dream just ignored it, walking along the path. It began to ring and Dream sighed, picking it up.

"Look, Blue, now is not a good time," he said as he answered it. I kicked at the dirt some more as Blue rambled on the other end of the line.

"I don't care, now is not a good time for him," Dream protested, perking my interest. He glanced my way, "No, I can't explain it over the phone. He's right next to me and he's upset enough about it."

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