Chap 3 - Not So Social

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Two days. Two days is how long it took for Error to respond to me.

Giddily I picked up my phone, feeling like a teenager in love. I had been in the shower moments before he texted, so I held my phone up in the steamy bathroom and looked at the message.

Handsome Devil: i thought about what you said

Lovestruck Artist: yeeeesss

Handsome Devil: and i want to go out with you

I couldn't help but squeal. I really felt like a lovestruck fool.

Lovestruck Artist: Really?

Handsome Devil: yes

There was a long pause as I watched the little typing bubble pulse on my screen. It died away and I was confused until the phone started ringing in my hand. It was Error.

I answered, "Hello, Error."

"H-hey, Ink," he sounded nervous.

"Did you mean what you said? You want to go out with me?"

"Y-yes, I do. I really do."

"Well, then," I suddenly felt flirtatious, "Guess I owe ya dinner then, eh?"

"Oh, um, well... I thought maybe we could go to the boardwalk this weekend. There's a fair there..."

"That sounds lovely, Error," I said softly, "But I'm still buying you dinner."

Error chuckled happily, "Nothing I'm gonna say will convince you otherwise, will it?"


"Fine then. I'll pay for the fair, you can buy dinner. Sound fair?"

"Guess I'm on board with ya, Error," I said, "See you Saturday?"

"See you on Saturday, Inky," I could almost feel Error tense up as the word left his mouth.

"OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY IT JUST SLIPPED OUT I SWEAR!" he shouted through the phone. I could feel the heat in my cheeks. I haven't been called that since...I shook my head, waving away the thoughts.

"It's okay, Error," I said evenly.

"You can call me... Inky, anytime..."


"You can call me... Inky, anytime..."

My heart stopped. I swear it did. The name just sort of slipped out. I had imagined him as Inky for a while but I never thought I would ACTUALLY call him that.

I was so glad he couldn't see the blush heating up my entire face through the phone. And I felt relieved that he was okay with it. But I was afraid to say it again.

I must've gone silent because Ink's melodious voice called me back, "Error? You okay?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm, uh, so sorry about that... I, uh, never really thought...I wasn't thinking..."

"Error quit apologizing!" Ink snapped and I shut up. Who knew he could be so commanding?

He went quiet for a bit, "I'm sorry, but seriously. I'd like you to call me 'Inky', okay?" His voice brightened, "Just gives me an excuse to find you a nickname!"

"Ah-uh-I-um-ah," all I could make were useless sounds. Ink giggled. It was a wonderful sound.

"If you want to wait to use it, that's fine with me," he said, "Don't get all riled up over it, okay?"

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