Chap 17 - Le Retour de L'Artiste

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(HEY!! I'm not dead! I am so, so, so, so, so, so sorry for not posting. My laptop glitched and died on me but I have fixed it now!)

(Translate that in the comments :) If you want)



I woke up to something licking my face. At first, I shot up in a panic. Then I looked around and saw Aquarelle wagging her tail next to my bed. I smiled, "Hungry?"

The puppy barked as I sat up. She ran to the kitchen and ran back to me, barking. Chuckling, I followed her. I wondered why she was out. She slept in a crate. I looked around and saw Ink asleep on the couch. Must've pottied her late at night... I thought. I looked around and saw only one latch on Aquarelle's crate done. She had forced her way out when she got hungry.

She barked at me again as I worked on getting her food. I set her bowl down and went over to Ink.

"Inky," I whispered, "Inky, get up."

Ink mumbled, rolling over.

"C'mon, Ink," I said, a bit louder, "Or I'll set the dog on you."

Ink mumbled, turning over and giving me a look. I shrugged, hearing Aquarelle finish eating and make her way over. She walked up to me and I picked her up, holding her by Ink's face. She started licking him. He continued to try and glare at me but his face started twitching into a smile. He finally laughed and took the puppy from me, snuggling her with a soft sigh. She burrowed into his chest, laying down with a sigh and looking up at me as Ink pet her head.

Ink sat up on the couch, bringing Aquarelle with him as I sat at his feet. He smiled at me, still petting the dog.

Turning on the TV I sat back with a sigh and relaxed, fully prepared for a day of doing nothing.

After an episode and a half of some random show, Ink spoke up. "I wanted to talk to you about something..." Ink said softly.

I looked at him. He avoided my eyes, looking at Aquarelle as she slowly fell asleep.

"Yeah?" I said, turning the TV down to give him my attention.

He waited a few minutes before talking again, "I want to go back to work..."

"Alright, what do yo-"

"I want to return to the Orchid."


He froze. I felt it on the couch as he stopped moving and stared at me.

After a few minutes of silence I hated, I looked up. He didn't look disappointed or angry. He wasn't happy, but he was...I couldn't describe it. It was almost like he was waiting.

"I've thought about it since my leg," I went on, explaining my thoughts, "That's why I was practicing on the rope. I don't want my fight, my experience, my fear of Lust to keep me from doing what I love. And I love dancing, Error. I love it as much as I love painting and drawing. It's just as much of an art to me. My body is art, is a painted canvas, and I want the world to know how I exhibit it."

Error nodded, sighing slightly, "I understand, Ink...but that place? Can you manage working with Lust again?"

I blew a breath through my teeth, "Yes, I can. I have a lot of friends there that won't let him use me again. And I won't ever do another partner dance with him like I used to."

Error huffed, leaning back. We sat in silence for a while and I grew a bit nervous, hugging Aquarelle to my chest.

"Well, I can't stop you when you make your mind up..." Error said at last, giving me a wane smile, "I know that much. But I'm going to come with you and watch you."

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