Chap 7 - Open Wounds

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Error's bathroom tile was plain and old. I stared at it as the water slowly washed my shame away, studying the small cracks in the plain white enameled surface. His body wash smelled like charcoal, which it contained. I didn't use his shampoo because I'd rather not have to worry about his two-in-one messing up my hair.

Scrubbing my body slowly, I stood in the shower until the water ran cold. Error never bothered me. He let me have my time alone. Though he must've heard the shower shut off because he knocked.

"Hey, Ink? I made some hot chocolate for when you're dressed," he said and I heard his footsteps recede.

"Thanks," I called through the door. I pulled on a pair of Error's basketball shorts and one of his larger t-shirts, wishing I had my underwear. Stupidly I left them at his house. As I picked up the shirt though, a pair of plain grey boxers fell to the floor. Smiling, I put them on after removing the shorts and putting them back on.

Rubbing a towel through my hair I left his little bathroom to find him sitting on the couch, looking tense. He noticed my exit and turned to me, flashing me a worried smile. Plopping down beside him I silently accepted a steaming mug of hot chocolate. Taking a sip I found it rich and creamy. Not that powder, I thought, no way it could be powder.

"Thanks," I said, looking over at Error. He nodded and we sat in comfortable silence for a while.

I need to tell him, I thought morosely.  He deserved to know what happened. Deserved the chance to kick me out or do whatever he may. God, I've ruined everything...

"Error, I need to explain something," I said, setting down my mug. He looked over, still a bit tense.

"Inky, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to," he said, "It's your life and-"

"And so I can share it with whomever I want, and that means you," I told him. He went quiet, glancing away.

"Then you don't have to tell me now, if you're not comfortable," he said softly.

He's so sweet, a smile flickered on my features before dying away. Looking at my lap, I took a few breaths.

"I...have to tell you..." It hurts to say it...

"I had a...a...a one-night stand..." I choked, feeling fresh tears start to burn, "With...with-"

I looked up with fresh tears rolling slowly down my face and choked out, "With Lust."


I'm going to kill him. 

I swear to God I am going to kill that asshole.

Lust is going to die.

Rage. Pure, unfiltered, boiling rage forced me to my feet at his words. Ink stared up at me in fear and shame, shaking as he watched me. He leaned back slightly, shrinking under my shadow and raising his arm in instant defensive posture. It only made me angrier. As I looked down at him he choked again, avoiding my eyes.

"I'm sorry..." he whimpered, closing his eyes and holding his arm up, shaking. My fury died away instantaneously and I sat back down, feeling slightly regretful.

"Did he hurt you?" I asked him. He took a shuddering breath, peeking at me from behind his arm.


"Did Lust hurt you?"

Ink sat up a bit, putting his arm down, "Y-you're not m-mad?"

"I only care about you, Ink," I said earnestly, "Are you hurt? What did he do to you?"

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