Chap 10 - Brothers Are Annoying

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(Sibling fluff to repay for all I have made you suffer through...)



Slim helped me upstairs, as I refused to keep the wheelchair. Razz just rolled his eyes as he carried my crutches up to my apartment. He took one look around the place before saying, "Guess you're sleeping on the couch for a while."

"Yup," I grunted as Slim set me down. The tension from the car ride hadn't left his body and I figured that being in private might bring it back into the conversation.

He said nothing, though. He just set me down and sat next to me as Razz leaned my crutches on the side of the couch and looked around at my art scattered everywhere.

"Honestly, Skittles, how do you live like this?" he asked, straightening a pile of sketchbooks, "It's absolute chaos. How do you find anything?"

I shrugged, grimacing slightly as my bruises stretched. Razz rolled his eyes and began organizing my art supplies. He waved at Slim, not even looking at him, "Go and make something," he ordered, arranging my oil paints by color.

Slim stood up with a "Yes, M'Lord," and made his way to my kitchen area. The title made me turn and watch him move. Then I looked at Razz, raising an eyebrow at him. He caught my stare and smirked.

"Something wrong, Skittles?" he asked innocently. He knew precisely what I was thinking.

"Do you own him or something?" I hissed. The smirk grew wider as Razz stood straight, hands on his hips.

"In a way," he said. He looked over at Slim, fondness and control in his eyes, "He is my everything. And I mean everything." He winked at me before returning to organizing my art supplies.

Sighing, I relaxed into the couch. I knew the brothers had an interesting relationship but I honestly have no clue how deep or...controlling it went.

I wish I understood sibling relationships...



"NEVER!" I yelled back. Geno chased me around my own apartment with a bottle of pills in his hand. This has been our daily argument for maybe four days. Reaper just sits on the sofa, looking amused as Geno attempted to force his haphephobic brother to take medication.

"You need it!" Geno implored.


As we had a small stare-off, Geno behind the couch and me in front of the Tv, the door opened to my apartment. We both looked and I took the opportunity to dash into my room. Geno yelled at me as I shut the door and leaned on it, feeling him start to pound on the other side.

"You two, help me!" Geno shouted.

Suddenly, there was no more pounding on the door. Footsteps sounded, then sped up. The door flung open as Reaper and someone else charged it, knocking me down. Looking up in a daze I briefly made out Fresh's outline before Geno's face took over my vision.

Before I could do anything a pill was shoved in my mouth along with half a bottle of water. I choked, coughing as I flipped over, trying to spit out the pill. Geno forced my mouth shut and I growled at the contact, shivering as his hand met water on my mouth. As soon as I swallowed he ripped his hand back and I snarled.

"What the hell?! I'M FINE!"

"You need your meds," Geno said sternly, standing up and throwing a towel on my chest, "It's only a half dose. Deal with it."

"You're such a considerate brother," I growled sarcastically.

"Quit acting like a five-year-old and get up," Geno said.

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