A/N - Genuine Thanks

1.3K 53 19

You know, my finals are coming up and this stresses me out.But you know what makes me feel better? You guys!I have gained several new followers since I went on my break from WattPad and this only encourages me. You have no idea how satisfactory it is to know that even though I am not active, people who just began reading enjoy my works so much that they follow me. This goes the same for every vote and comment I get. You guys supporting me is really all I can ask for.I just want to thank all of you so much for supporting my stories. It means a lot, especially since I'm going through a really rough patch right now what with school work, college prep, and my own mental state.

My updates will be returning soon. May 10th is just around the corner. :)

Love, Tex

Getting Comfortable - Human ErrInk FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora