Chap 9 - Too Much

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He passed out.

We all jumped in shock when Error's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he crumbled to the floor. My hand hung in the air as I stared at the heap of my boyfriend, whom I had just confessed to.

"Error?!" Geno ran around the bed, checking his brother's pulse and letting out a sigh of relief. "At least you're alive."

Geno turned to Reaper, "Can you carry him? I need to get him home."

Reaper nodded, crouching to lift Error. As he stood to his full height, hefting Error over his shoulder, he gave Geno a look. "Won't the entire hospital wonder why we're taking an unconscious guy out of here?"

"The nurses know me. I'll keep them off," Geno explained. He gave me an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry we have to go, Ink."

"Is he okay? Is it what I said? Did I do this to him?" I felt so worried. Going over the fact that he had helped me after my one-night stand, chased after me when I left his house, and helped me get to the hospital, there's no other description for my feelings other than love. It was far beyond affection at this point.

"It'll be okay, Ink," Geno said softly, "He's been through a lot in very little time. He gets extremely anxious in hospitals and he was worried about you. He isn't used to handling so many emotions, I think he got overwhelmed."

"Is he gonna be okay?" I asked.

"He'll be fine," Geno said, "I'll call you when he wakes up, okay? Just feel better. That's what he'd want."

"O-okay," I said. Reaper gave me a small frown.

"Ya want me to call G, have him come over?"

I was about to shake my head, but then I stopped, "yeah, call him. I'll need a ride to get home."

Reaper nodded, "Alright. See ya later, Ink."

"See ya, Reaper, Geno..."

Once they left I whispered, "And you, too, Error..."


When we reached the garage I groaned. We had taken Reaper's motorcycle to get here. One can't exactly carry two people and an unconscious person on a motorcycle. Reaper huffed, looking around.

"Welp...shit..." he said simply and I shot a glare at him.


"Hey, let's call a cab," he suggested, taking out his phone.

"Error doesn't like cabs."

"Error is unconscious. He won't know," Reaper countered. I rolled my eyes. I mean, he was right but still.

"How are you getting your bike home? I can't drive it," I told him. He shrugged, still dialing the cab service.

"You can ride with Error and I'll take it home. Meet you at the house and I can carry him inside."

"Can we take him home instead? I don't want him to wake up anywhere but his own room. He'll be panicked when he wakes up, we should minimize the unfamiliarity."

"Fair enough," he said simply, bringing the ringing phone to his ear and ordering a taxi.

We waited out front, Reaper's bike parked nearby and Error laying on a bench. We had gotten funny looks from all the nurses and a few doctors tried to stop us from taking my brother outside, but the combination of my familiarity with the entire hospital and Reaper's warning glare at anyone who approached him waved them off after a few floors. Even when the taxi pulled up he gave a questioning look but said nothing as we sort of shoved Error into the backseat and I joined him, Reaper going to his bike to follow us.

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