Chap 2 - Friday Night

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I stared at my phone for hours. Why? I was trying to convince myself to call Ink.

God, that stupid blind date had totally messed me up. I wasn't a feelings person. I wasn't a touchy person. I wasn't a dating person.

But Ink... he was different. I wanted to be in his company again. He was easy to talk to.

I lunged forward and had half the number, which I had memorized from staring at his business card, dialed into my phone before I chucked it onto a chair and sat on the couch. I stared at the phone, wishing that it might magically dial Ink itself and talk to him for me. God, I wanted to hear his voice again.

Suddenly the door opened and I whipped around to see my brother Fresh walk in.

"Sup, broski," he said, coming and crashing onto the couch next to me, "Whatcha been up to, Error-bro?"

"N-nothing, Fresh," I said, going back to staring at the phone. Just call him already... Fresh followed my gaze and stared at the phone for a while with me.

"Error, why are ya starin' at a phone?" he asked.

"I want it to call someone," I said off-handedly.

"Doncha have ta, like, be holdin' it to do that?"

"Yes," I said shortly. We went back to staring at the phone. Fresh got up and before I could do anything picked up the device and looked at the half-dialed number.

"Ooh, I know this number, brah!" he said, smiling at me. I stared at him in shock. He finished dialing the number and held it to his head, listening to the ring.

"Fresh, no!" I leaped to my feet, reaching for my phone. Fresh turned away from me, holding up his hand to keep me away. Fresh and my older brother Geno are the only ones who could sometimes, on rare occasion, touch me without me freaking out. Now was one of those times as I desperately reached for my phone while my little brother held it out of reach.

"Fresh, give me my phone back!" I growled.

"Nah," he said as the ringing ended. I could faintly hear Ink's voice on the other end and I froze.

"Hullo, Ink," Fresh said jovially, "Yeah, it's Fresh. Just wanted ta know why mah bro Error is tryin' to call ya." Fresh grinned at me evilly as he put the phone on speaker.

"He is?" Ink's voice came from the phone and I stared at it, panting. Fresh dropped his hand and I just stood, frozen. 

"Yes, he is," Fresh said into the speaker. I swallowed.

"Oh, well then," Ink sounded pleased if surprised, "Could I talk to him?"

"You are," Fresh said, "You're on speaker."

"Oh..." Ink trailed off, "Well, Error if you're there, do you wanna go bowling on Friday?"

My mouth moved to make words but no sound came out. Just hearing his voice again reset my brain. Fresh smiled, "He says yes. He'd tell you himself but I think he's temporarily speechless."

"Okay, cool," Ink said, "See you on Friday at five?"

"Th-that sounds g-good," I managed to get out. I could have sworn I heard a smile in his voice.

"See you then, Error," Ink hung up. I glared at Fresh, who shrugged.

"Looks like ya got a date on Friday, broseph," he said simply.


I can't believe he actually tried to call me. I stared numbly at my phone. After a few days of silence, I'd begun to lose hope about Error. And even though Fresh, who I knew only because my friend Reaper's boyfriend Geno was his brother, had been the one to actually call, hearing Error's deep voice at all gave me new hope.

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