Chap 11 - Not-So-Secret Anymore

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Razz and Slim made sure I was settled before leaving. One or both of them would drop by sometime tomorrow to check up on me. As they left my apartment they held hands, the tension from before gone. A small smile twitched on my lips: they never really fought for long.

But now I was in a predicament. Normally while I was alone in my apartment I'd work out or paint or sculpt. With one leg out of order, I couldn't sit on my stool or work out. I practically had nothing to do.

Boredom is not something I'm used to.

I tried to watch TV but it didn't hold my interest long enough. I've watched all my movies at least three times, so watching them again would be futile. Stranded on the couch, I couldn't work on any of my big projects. None of my canvases or even my large sketches. I only had access to my sketchbooks and idea journals. Most of them were full of basic ideas and start-up or test sketches for my bigger projects or commissions. Only my special sketchbook had any proper drawings in it, other than my travel books.

Being in one spot and bored, I took a lot of naps just to pass the time. Ugh, this accident is going to make me fat and lazy... Can't work out, can't do my work, can't even cook by myself...I'm stuck watching nonsense and eating snacks...

Thus, I found myself working on my special sketchbook, day after day, in between naps.

Boredom is NOT something I'm used to...


After less than a week of having the same fight over and over, Geno gave up trying to make me take my medication on the premise that if I had another attack within the month I'd take it. He and Reaper left me alone in my apartment after a few days without meds so Geno could keep an eye on me.

Since I was fine, Geno ran out of excuses to haunt my apartment. He really acted over-protective sometimes.

A day after he left I realized how quiet I'd become. Without anyone to talk to, I returned to my old silent habits. But now they felt...odd, being so stretched.

After some build-up of my self-induced silence, I picked up my phone. It had been over a week since the accident and I hadn't spoken to Ink since he was in the hospital.

I was going to text him, but I wanted to hear his voice. So I dialed his number.

It rang a few times, making me think he wasn't going to answer, when he picked up.

"Error!" he said in greeting, far too excited for someone with a broken leg.

"Hey, Ink," I said, smiling already at his bright voice.

"I'm sooo glad you called! I have been so bored...I'm stuck with nothing to do..."

"Are you still at the hospital?"

"Heck no! Some friends of mine-slash-former colleagues picked me up and took me home. They stop in every now and then to make sure I'm okay, but they never stay for long."

"That sounds actually really boring..."

"You have no idea..."

We went silent for a while, out of conversation topics.

"I miss you..." Ink said softly.

"I miss you, too, Inky."

"You know, you can come over anytime. I nap most of the time so I have no sleep schedule. If you want, you could stop in. I'd really appreciate some company..."

"Isn't your door locked? How would you answer it if your leg's broken?"

"Well, for one I have crutches. For another, I have a hidden spare key outside my door. I've accidentally locked myself out one too many times not to have one."

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