Chapter 12 - Slumber Party (For Men)!

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I stared at the selection of movies, huffing in frustration. Why didn't I ask what he already had?

My hand wrapped around my phone, moments away from calling Ink to ask him what movies he already had. But that would make me feel stupid. Or rather stupider that I didn't ask beforehand.

With a huff, I just grabbed a TV series I kind of liked and that I think Ink would like. It was a box set of like ten seasons so we should be well off.

Then I went to the grocery store, grabbed a basket, and stood in the candy isle just kind of grabbing things and tossing them in the basket. I made sure to get licorice, as per Ink's request, but also a bunch of other sweets. He enjoyed sweets. A lot.

After grabbing a massive box of microwave popcorn and a gallon of ice cream, I made my way to the checkout. I was prepared to keep Ink entertained as long as I could until he got better. I still felt kind of guilty that he got hurt in the first place, even though it was Lust's fault he was so emotionally distraught in the first place.

Now's not the time to think about him. I need to keep Ink happy.

With that in my mind, I finished my shopping and returned to Ink's apartment. Time to be his best friend.


Reaching Ink's door I went to knock before remembering he made me take his keys. Digging in my pocket I pulled them out and unlocked the door.

Ink smiled at me from the couch. He was drawing in his Special sketchbook again. Instead of closing it or hugging it to his chest like I thought he would, he flipped it around and showed me the picture.

"Whaddya think?" he asked.

Studying the picture, I was impressed. It was a detailed image of me sleeping. The peaceful look I had contrasted to the small scars on my hand, which lay in the foreground, and my messy hair. My face was pressed into the leg of the giant teddy bear. My shoulders slumped in tiredness.

"Did you draw this while I was gone?" I asked and he nodded, turning it around.

"I haven't done all the shading yet but it's turning out well so far," he said.

"Ink, that's awesome. I didn't know you could draw so fast..."

Ink shrugged, as if this feat were unimportant, and continued sketching it.

"So, what did you get?" he asked. I sighed, dropping my many bags onto the couch.

"All sorts of sugary nonsense and a TV series I think you'll enjoy."

Ink beamed, putting the sketchbook down, "Sounds like a blast."


Scooting a bit to the side for Error to sit down I grabbed my remote and turned on the television. Tossing the remote to Error, who took out a box set of DVDs, I started digging through the bags to see what he had gotten. My smile grew as I pulled out a one pound bag of licorice and glanced at Error. He caught my eye, pausing, "What?"

Chuckling slightly I shook the bag at him, "You know me so well..."

"You asked for licorice, Inky," he grinned, "I doubt you wanted the eight-ounce bite-sized bag."

"I finish one of those in five minutes. This will take me at least an hour if I pace myself," I told him, setting the bag aside to continue my search. It yielded ice cream -a must for sleep-overs- a huge box of microwave popcorn, a box of toaster tarts -because why not-, all sorts of colorful candies, and a big box of chocolate chip cookies.  It made me feel all warm and almost gooey inside, giddy to the point of foolishness. But I didn't care! Not only had he gotten what I asked for, but he had gone the extra length and gotten all sorts of things he either knows and suspects I like. Just to spend time with me!

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