Chap 16 - Later, Skater

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(I AM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE. I've been busy and uninspired for a while. I'm graduating this year so I have to deal with a bunch of senior crap on top of getting my adult life together. But, here's some fluff for you as an apology! Enjoy!)



We came out of the movies laughing our butts off. Ink, with great taste in everything, had picked a rom-com for us to see. Other than the cheesy romance that had me blushing at times, it had been hilarious.

The date had been amazing, a perfect return to life. We went and had dinner at a sports bar. While it had been a warmed, kind of cramped space, Ink got us a table outside for us to enjoy. He had died his hair himself to a deep mostly purple maroon color and it was growing, so it hung in his face and it was fun to watch him cutely attempt to blow it out of his eyes.

A few girls tried to flirt with him. He was wearing paint-splattered denim shorts cut off mid-thigh and a colorful t-shirt, looking hot as hell. In my casual jeans and nice, clean graphics t-shirt, I didn't look like much compared to him, especially with my hoodie tied at my waist. Though Ink said I looked incredible...while staring at my ass. Unabashedly, too.

He shrugged off the girls, giving them a few glares and sitting closer to me. One girl actually sneered at me and Ink, I would've sworn, came close to a fit. But he was pretty composed when he told her to shove off.

Despite the flirtation, Ink had eyes for only me and it put everything else to the back of my mind as I watched his colorful eyes dance in the light.

Now we walking back to his apartment. Reaper was dog sitting our puppy, Aquarelle. Ink picked the name because he's got cousins in France and is fairly fluent in French. It means 'watercolor' and he showed me the first colored image he'd ever made of me. It was a watercolor rendition of me in the booth at Grillby's, the smokey light streaked perfectly with the watercolor paint and my hair falling into my eyes. It was the first time he'd ever seen me but he remembered the moment perfectly.

I thought Geno would be upset with Reaper for buying him a fish while I got Ink a puppy but, nope. Geno was over the moon with his two beta fish, a black and blue one and a red and white one. He named them Smokey and Crimson. Reaper revealed to me that Geno's been wanting a pet fish for a while. He says it's because they don't make noise, they stay in one place, they're easy to feed, and are perfect reading buddies. They're also the perfect listeners.

Talk about simple brownie points. The way Reaper waggled his eyebrows when he said how happy Geno was had me grimacing.

Ink was still laughing, taking breaths and sighing as he recovered. He looked at me and hooked the first two fingers of our hands, a small touch that sent tingles up my arm but was a pleasant connection to walk with.

"Thank you, Error," he said as we walked, "Tonight's been awesome."

"I like going out with you," I grinned at him, "I feel lucky to have such a hot guy all to myself."

Ink blushed slightly, shaking his head, "Goofball," he muttered.

"But I'm your goofball."

He turned his pretty eyes to me, tilting his head as we walked, "Yeah, you are." He tilted back a little and smirked at me, "A goofball with a nice ass."

"Way to ruin the moment," I chuckled, blushing warmly in the dark as we passed a streetlight. We walked along the edge of the park, heading for the mouth of one of the entry paths.

I heard an odd scraping sound but kept walking. There was a shout and I turned to see someone on skates heading straight for me, waving rapidly to get me out of the way. My shirt collar was yanked back and I felt the wind as the guy whipped past me. He turned and slowed, returning and panting.

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