Chap 8 - On The Mend, Sort Of

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(Note: sorry for being absent, I've been stressed lately. but new update schedule, starting tomorrow, is every three days and I'll try my hardest to maintain it.)

(Thank you for all your support and patience! Enjoy!)



I probably would have been pacing nervously around the room, glancing at Ink every now and then, waiting for him to wake up, if I could get my mind off my location. But the incessant beeping of the heart monitor, the calls on the intercom for nurses and the general passing of hospital staff made me so nervous I sat down, holding Geno's earbuds to my ears, trying to drown out the noise. Reaper did the pacing for me. Geno sat next to me patiently, tuned out to hospital noise thanks to his recurrent visits.

It was hard to look at Ink and not see him grotesque and ill, dying in the clean hospital sheets, like my father had been. Even though he was only bruised, with bandages covering his wounds and no obvious blood, every time I caught sight of his peaceful face I saw the streams of blood running through his violet hair and down his scarless face.

Bouncing my knee, I turned up the volume on Geno's iPod, judging his music just to amuse and distract myself. He really needed more variety. I was getting tired of classical.

Reaper let out a loud huff I could hear through the earbuds and I looked up in time to catch him complaining wildly to Geno, saying something I couldn't hear as he gestured at Ink. Geno stood and went over to him, speaking in from what I could see was a hushed tone to calm Reaper down.

Looking back down, my knee bouncing increased as I shut my eyes. Reaper's outburst worried me but nothing else indicated anything wrong.

The waiting was going to kill me, it really would...


"Reaper, just calm down before you break something," I hissed angrily at my fiancé. He let out a nearly feral growl.

"These doctors know nothing! Why can't they tell us how long Ink will be out? He's been out for nearly six hours already!" Reaper replied in whisper yell.

"These things take time," I implored calmly, "He probably has a concussion or something. He might be out for a while. He's not in a comatose state, just temporarily unconscious."

"How are you so calm? He's our friend, Gen!"

"I've dealt with hospitals for nearly my entire life, Reaper, as you know pretty damn well," I growled softly at him, "We can't rush these things. It'll only make it worse."


"No more buts, Reaper," I told him, "Go take a walk, get a coffee or something and blow off some steam. You're fit to burst and if you keep this up any longer you're gonna give my brother a panic attack."

We both glanced at Error, sitting there, trying to be completely ignorant of his surroundings. I sighed, feeling Reaper's arms wrap around me.

"Hey, I-I'm sorry, love," he said softly, "I'll head out for a bit. Maybe all I need is some fresh air."

"Thank you," I sighed. He kissed my cheek and left, shoving his hands deep in his pockets as he asked a nurse where the outdoor area was.

Looking back at Error I frowned softly, he hasn't been the same since Dad died, I thought morosely. Going over to Ink, I stood by his bedside and cleared a strand of his vibrant hair from his face.

"Come on, Ink," I whispered softly, "Wake up soon..."

With a sigh at no response, I went over and sat by Error again, keeping a watchful eye on Ink.

Getting Comfortable - Human ErrInk FanficWhere stories live. Discover now