3. Birthday

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Tin waited for her family to pick her up outside the gate of her school. It was Grier's birthday, her cousin who was on the picture that his dad showed. Tin looked up to Grier. She studied abroad, paid for her own tuition and started a business with Victor in the city. Grier didn't want the Villarba's money or tie herself into the family's craving for money. She was one of the few that defied the family, became independent but still stayed loyal to it. But their mutual connection was about how some things should be changed. Like Grier, Tin didn't want her success to be because of the money her family had; she doesn't want to join the mainstream of "they are successful because of their family." This is mainly the reason why Tin and Victor were really close to their cousin. Victor even planned the surprise birthday party they're going for her. Lastly, another reason why Victor was close to Grier is because both of them stayed humane and sane.

A black van stopped in front of her. Before Tin could even take her step towards it, the door on the front opened. A security guard came down and slid the door on the passenger seat. She saw her dad sitting there with two phones on his hand. Tin murmured to herself, fucking useless. Tin put her one foot on the running board and his dad moved his feet so she could step in. Tin glanced in front first, driver and security, as always.

She greeted her mom who was sitting on the adjacent seat and kissed her on the cheek, "hi mom."

She turned to look where she was going to sit and was surprised to see the girl her dad hired sitting at the back too. Tin finally has nowhere to go and had to watch the girl complete the smile on her face. Tin smiled back out of courtesy.

Tin kept thinking that there was something about the girl that seemed so off. It was probably her dislike towards people who seek fame, and hated the thought of oblivion.

She pulled out her phone from her skirt's pocket and put on their location going to the cafe. It was an hour drive and she finally regretted waiting for her earphones to fully give up on her before buying a new one. Why did she think that one functional earbud is enough for its use. She wanted to jump off the car and just take the bus, all she could hear is her dad bragging about everything and the girl beside her is believing every word that comes out from his mouth.

Tin was overjoyed when her dad finally stopped talking to the girl who didn't mind the arrogant side of Win or was too naïve to notice it. "Tin, do you know her?" Win turned around to look at Tin and pointed the girl.

Tin didn't bother looking at her so they could spare each other the awkward eye contact again. "No," she straight up answered.

"Her face is not even familiar to you?" he asked eagerly again.

Tin saw the driver glanced at her from the rear view mirror. His face was shocked when he heard that the girl is unknown to Tin.

Annie commented and told the girl, "Tin doesn't really watch TV shows. She likes watching-" She paused for a second and searched at Tin for an answer, "what do you call that again Tin? The one that we watched where the girl was blind."

"Anime," Tin easily gave her mom the answer she was looking for.

Annie nodded as she remembered it, "Yes, Tin only watches anime."

The girl held her hand for Tin to shake and introduced herself, "Alessandra. Alex for short."

Tin only looked at her hand, turned it down and apologized, "I have sweaty palms. Victianna, Tin for short."

Win said in his serious voice, "Don't call her by that name in public."

Tin looked at Alex as if she was waiting for an explanation.

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