7. Campaign

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Annoyance woke up Tin — there were almost over twenty people yelling downstairs, asking if this or that was finished already. She grabbed the pillow beside her and covered her head. She pressed it hard and yelled "fuck" without letting people hear it. She took the pillow on top of her head and slammed it on the bed. She marched out of her room and glanced downstairs. She realized it was Win's birthday and the motorcade at the same time. It was cost-efficient as Win's campaign strategist said.

At her way back to her room, she heard a door opened. She stopped and turned on her side to see who it was.

"Hi," Alex was surprised. She wasn't expecting Tin to be awake that early. She blushed as she tried to contain the clothes she was holding in her arms; trying to tuck in and hide her underwear. She checked out Tin who was wearing boxers and a black shirt. Tin immediately folded her arms; also trying to hide the fact that she's not wearing any bra.

Tin's mood changed — seeing Alex calms her down. She was her antidote. She pointed the towel wrapped around Alex's hair, "that's mine."

Alex pointed it again and dropped some of her clothes. She immediately bend over and picked it up.

Tin saw how embarrassed Alex was with the underwear. Tin lowered down her boxers up to her hip, and showed her bare skin, "at least you have one."

Alex laughed, "why are you not wearing any?" She then noticed the bags underneath Tin's eyes. "Rough night?" She asked.

"My mom raised us believing that we'll have better asses if we don't wear underwear at night. Its been proven wrong but now its like my ... you know, just can't breathe at night. And I had my exam yesterday. Been pulling an all nighter."

"You do have a great ass. You should thank your mom for that. Try to catch up on sleep too."

"I will. Once this is over. Anyways, follow me," Tin opened her door.

Alex followed Tin inside her room. She opened her bathroom door, and pointed another door inside that is linked to Alex's room.

"This is your bathroom too. So you wouldn't need to carry those," she glanced at Alex's dirty clothes.

"But privacy."

"Mine or yours?" Tin asked.

"Both?" She hesitated, not knowing the answer to the question.

Tin showed how the sharing of their bathroom works. They went out of the bathroom for a second and Tin locked the door from her room. "This way, you can't come inside my room. Its the same way on your side."

"What if we both need to use it?"

Tin went inside the bathroom again and closed it. "This is a deadbolt. Don't worry I don't have the keys. Lock it if you're inside. Just don't forget to unlock it or else I have to go inside your room."

Alex nodded, "Understood."

Alex followed Tin again, going to her room. Tin rolled her laundry basket inside the bathroom, and transferred the dirty clothes she has in the bathroom's laundry basket to the one she pulled inside.

"That's yours."

"Copy that. But I do have one in my room."

She stared at Alex with a look in her face that said, just thank me because I'm not going to transfer that again.

"I mean I could use this one. Much easier," Alex said.

Tin intensely stared at her.

Alex was stiffed to her knees.

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