2. Background

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A different voice greeted Victianna as she walked inside the house. The voice was fruity, and appealing; as if the person who owns it was trained to charm every person she meets. Victianna started walking quietly — she wanted to make sure that she can go straight to her room unnoticed, even if she has to pass by her dad and his visitor. As she took her first step towards the stairs, her peripheral version demanded her to turn around to her dad. She caught them glancing at her but before anyone could say anything, she turned around and continued to take her next steps naturally — heavily and stiffly.

The sound of her steps didn't have any effect on her dad. He continued his conversation with the girl. On the other hand, the girl watched Victianna vanished to her room. The visitor has never gotten such an icy stare in her life before. Victianna closed her door, threw herself on her bed and her body shivered with relief.

Victianna woke up with the blasting sound of her dad's campaign song. The afternoon became busy with people rushing around like a disturbed colony of ants. Later, her dad would announce his candidacy so everything must be perfect. She must be perfect despite not wanting to.

She was fixing her short rounded bangs that she just trimmed a week ago when someone knocked on her door eagerly. She asked exhaustedly, "who is it?"

"It's Victor," it was her brother's voice who answered back.

She immediately closed the small mirror she has, threw it in her bag and opened the door. Her brother greeted her with a hug. He backed away quickly and looked downstairs, as if searching for someone. If Victianna could recall perfectly, Victor should be there with his new girlfriend. Curiosity run over her and she too had to peek downstairs, to see what was happening even though she knew it won't really matter to her. Victor directed someone to come up. He looked at her sister with a gigantic smile on his eyes, "I want you to meet someone."

Victor's girlfriend went upstairs and met his arm that was waiting for her. She smiled at Victianna and introduced herself, "Hi! I'm Micah. I heard so much about you."

She smiled back at her but with less enthusiasm, "Victianna. Come in."

The couple sat on the couch while Victianna went back to her bed and put her laptop aside.

Victor initiated the conversation since he knew that her sister doesn't have a talent at entertaining people. "So Tin, how's school?

"Nothing new," she replied.

"You're in grade 11, right? Where do you wanna go after?" Micah asked.

"I don't really know. It's not really my choice," She answered honestly, thinking that she would probably go to the same school her family went to; at the same time, wishing that she can change his dad's mind.

"You should start thinking about it," Micah pointed out.

"Don't worry Tin. There's no rush," Victor interjected nicely. He didn't know what it felt like to be a failure. Everything that their dad wanted for him, he wanted for himself too. It was easy for him because he was also ambitious. But the difference is, his is a coincidence — its what Win wants and most importantly, it was a driven aspect of who he is. And he is chasing his own dream. A dream that he doesn't need to force on other people. Victianna knows that he would understand her if she tells him she doesn't want to be a businesswoman or anything to do with politics, unlike their dad.

Someone knocked again and Victor stood up to open the door.

The housemaid only peeked inside. She glanced at Tin first and then to Victor, "Ma'am, sir, your dad is calling you. He wants you to go downstairs."

"Do I really need to?" Tin asked.

"Yes. I think he wants to introduce you to his supporters. Victoria is downstairs already." Victoria is the youngest. Their dad's 2nd favourite after Victor. Tin never really have that connection with her sister. It's merely because of the five year age difference. What would a 17-year-old misfit would have in common with a 12-year-old princess.

Tin followed Victor downstairs and they stood beside the platform stage. The girl from before just finished her dance number and walked to the back of the stage. Her father moved forward to the crowd and waved at his family to come over. He started introducing his family to the public before they could even step foot on the stage.

Annie, their mom, wrapped her arm on Tin's waist and looked at her with a warm smile. She leaned closer to her and whispered with a sweet tone, "give me at least one smile. I'll cook your fave food tomorrow."

She unconsciously let out a big smile, "mom, stop bribing me with food."

"You look pretty when you smile," her mom replied, with a wider smile on her face. One thing is for sure, Annie feels better when she sees her daughter genuinely smiling; like what parents should aim for.

Her mom tickled her on the side and Tin's innocence glowed on her face. "Mom, stop it," she twitched and giggled.

Tin swivelled around as she embarrassingly kept on smiling more. She accidentally met her glance, the girl that was talking to her dad this morning. She's wearing one of her dad's campaign shirts now. It was one of those eccentric eye contacts, where it lasted for more or less than a second. Tin did notice the side of the girl's lip curled a little. She immediately turned around, regained control and just stared at the floor. What was that, she thought to herself.

Win called Victor to give a speech, and the rest of the family walked down the stage. Tin immediately returned to her room.

The girl wasn't even given the chance to smile at Tin. She watched Tin's eyes turned emotionless within a blink of an eye. It was like she was a sore in the eye to see. She never felt inconsequential from a stranger's eyes; it was always the same old admiring looks. She followed Tin, wanting a reason why she seems so cold to her despite not even having to introduce herself to her. She was eager to prove herself.

Before the girl could catch her, Tin already vanished to her room. Instead of walking back outside, she just went straight to the washroom to talk some sense to herself. She waived her hands an inch away from the chrome-plated faucet and waited for the water to come out. She splashed some water on her face and had to stop when she heard a conversation just outside the door. She knew it was Win's daughter who was speaking.

"What do we have?" Tin asked politely. The girl assumed that the governor's daughter would act inferior towards others but her tone was far from that. It was as if apologizing in advance for the trouble.

The maid started listing a bunch of food.

Tin picked what she wanted and said, "Chicken souvlaki with rice, and the carbonara."

"Anything else? Do you want some dessert? We made your favourite, fruit salad," she replied gladly.

Unexpectedly, her voice illuminated with happiness, "yah! That too. Thank you. You guys are the best."

The girl heard the maid leave. She thought to herself that the timing is great since it seems like the Governor's daughter is in a great mood, and probably won't give her an attitude again.

Tin caught the bathroom door opened and saw the actress that her dad hired come out of it. She noticed her desert-sand coloured eyes immediately staring at hers. It was mesmerizing to her, like how it could mess up someone's entire life. Everything about her was screaming perfect. Tin was an expert with making a poker face but she was taken off guard. She found herself immediately resorting to her room before the actress could form the words her eyes were wanting to say, or for her take one step closer and disarm her.

Hours later and the buzz outside her room hasn't died out. Tin went out to observe the people. The noise was unmistakable, everyone was clearly having a blast. The smell of beers and never ending frying of spring rolls were stuck inside the house. There was a consistent chatter about plans for the town and promises of growing businesses. Tin grinned with annoyance, and at the people's conviction that her dad can make everything come true.

Her eyes wandered through the crowd and it aimlessly landed to that girl. She haven't really seen her for more than a second but she get it now. It was unmistakeable that the girl was out of the ordinary — tall with a perfect built, brown hair, with a set of eyes that stole the brown spectrum and a smile that can relief sadness; so immensely breathtaking that she found herself taken back and in utter awe from the beauty when she caught glimpse of it. She felt the fluttering feelings again. And it was scary. She didn't want to fall for it.

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