In the "real" world

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In the "real" world


is owned by the white men,

the ones with the luxury of not being

objectified themselves,

who can afford the time

to sit and think:


transitive, intransitive

(don't call me insensitive)

underlabouring theories

(unlike the underlings labouring

the ones who are (kinda) people

and should be seen but not heard)


Don't make a fist

it isn't classy miss

we make our on and on and on and on

and on and on and on and on and



cause we're the men in suits.

It can't be called offensive

if it is ironic (in hindsight)

if it is funny (to us)

or true (see objectivity).

Come on now, stop whining

time to be objective enough

to agree with me.

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