Why we need education

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I don't honestly recall writing this one. From where in my papers I found it (indubitably in my handwriting) I might have written it 2010-2013, the early part of which would fit with me being a complete brat and very cynical about education. I don't completely agree with it now, nor the crappy scansion, but it still amuses me.

Emblazon I my name across a wall

badly shaped letters, futility in paint,

like a dog marking, this so I stand tall

you turn your nose up at my tag, this taint.

Say "vandalism" then, or call it art,

I'll shrug and snigger, try to bum a smoke.

Why am I not at school? Oh please don't start

in troubles and my goon-bag both I'm soaked.

You far more nicely type your words on screen

graffiti with your musings cyperspace

we're both attention junkies, to be seen

you "fuck" and "damn" them for more bourgeois tastes.

Society gives you the higher rank

because it was at school you learned to wank.

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