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The fear that each spreading of wings
means a leave taking, a goodbye.
Not all abandonments imply rejection
but fear robs us of the freedom
to know ourselves.

The sore feet and haggard, sleepless eyes -
always competing and keeping up;
chasing the glittering images,
insecure projections
of each other as insubstantial
as the dream we used to own
that mysterious future we had not yet tread.

One day I gazed into a muddy puddle,
saw an indistinct face, a hesitant smile
recognised my turn
to grow wings,
be reproved for leaving.

I knew I would have to pull away
from the arms that tried to hold me,
trusting the hearts to heal,
to see that the cloud road circles
and leads us back
for meetings brief
as the glow of a shooting star.

Wish on me.

Sweeping Winds and Rainbow BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now