Does logocentrism get equated to phallocentrism?

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A possible misreading of Grozs, 1994, 94 but I (so dependent on wording my thoughts) am struggling to understand...

Are we then to believe

that words may function phallically?

Full of desire for the willing, wet,

yielding welcome of the other?

Invading space? Reaching or thrusting?

Words we say will penetrate

ignorance, silence or the unsayable.

Is this why the speech of women

is always/already transgressive?

Is it queer to speak with authority

and also a vulva?

Is it trans to debate your opponent?

Is the silencing of women (and others)

about castration?

Am I liberative when I speak then

or just posturing while wearing a strap-on?

Do I even have your consent

to speak to you?

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