Ontic Fallacy

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Rorty thinks that if we had a material way

("being shoved about")

to access knowledge

then words would be obsolete.

I can't agree

we verbalise, not because it's all we've got

but it's because who we are


I know by being "shoved about",

I experience,

I am confronted by,

and then I speak.

Love is a reality that is felt,

bodily known more than spoken

and yet poets and lovers

and perhaps other incompetents

feel a need

to pour thousands of words

out to express a knowledge

that when it is known by two

may need no words.

We drink in the words

because we already know

what they are telling us

for some reason we want

to word our knowing.

But sometimes words are

something other than knowledge,

more art than science.

Does scientific discourse word "love"

or even "lust"?

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