About Identity

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Written  17 June 2016

What if I don't want to be

either normal, OR fabulous

at least not intentionally

because I am not performance art:

This is breath, this is anger,

this is lust,

this may be (something like) zen,

this is me repaying some of my massive karmic overdraft,

this is me desperate for petrol money,

this is me drunk, 

this is me unpopular,

this is parenthood, career, civic duty,

this is nakedness, sloth, "art",

this is nothing much

still nothing much,

this is a humungous waste of time

and that was -nods sanctimoniously - not a word

but maybe I am a word sometimes

or rather two words

when you think you can tell me

what I am

pin me on some classifying system

two words: fuck off.

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