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Where do I begin on this? All I can say is, to everyone who's been waiting for a sequel, thanks for your patience. Here's the thing, out of all the villains who've been featured on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Starlight Glimmer is one of those characters where my sister finds her hard to like, but she doesn't hate her to say... Why? I guess, in her opinion, her motives aren't strong enough.

To give you an example of why my sister disliked Starlight as a villain, I've given her permission to express her opinion on this forward in her words. Okay, I say that Starlight isn't a good villain because of her poor motivation... (Lily Peet gave me that food for thought). Besides Starlight's... poor motives I actually like her. (And she deserves a better friend than Trixie, just saying). But whenever Starlight had a musical number I always listened to her as she has a good singing voice. I felt that in Season 7 she started to evolve as a character. (Because let's face it, she didn't do that well in Season 6... exception being the finale). She has a lot of potential as a character and I'm looking forward to see her in the upcoming MLP seasons.

See what I mean? It's when she redeemed herself that she became a somewhat more interesting character. In my opinion, what she lacks in villainy, she makes up for in her wonderful singing. Anyway, when we saw the MLP Equestria Girls episode Mirror Magic and saw Sunset meet Starlight for the first time, we noticed that they had good chemistry. And immediately, my sister shipped Sunset with Starlight. I'd wanted to do a sequel to "Simply Meant To Be," but who should be Sunset's love interest? I was this close to making this an MLPEG/TMNT crossover, and having Raphael be Sunset's boyfriend, and have Leonardo fall in love with Twilight's human doppelganger. Honestly, with the TMNT stories I've written, I think it's a miracle nobody's messaged me and accused me of bastardizing the Turtles. It would've also had a running gag of Garrett adjusting to being a human, and you do get to see a drawing I did of him as a human. [Yes, I based his human likeness on Andrew Garfield because, why not?] Then I thought of my sister's favorite ship. And it hit me. I've written many stories, and never once have I written a character that's gay or a lesbian or bisexual or a transgender. Not that I'm against it, I just couldn't find a story to fit it in. I figured, that needs to change, and I need to get out of my comfort zone! I've taken a gamble with the first novel, and I'm satisfied with the results. Now I'm taking a gamble by writing about gay characters. I hope that what I'm doing is a step in the right direction. This story is dedicated to all my friends who are fans of MLP, the Bronies and Pegasisters out there, and of course, to my little sister, who wouldn't have made this story possible. Happy Holidays, everypony.


Here For You [Another My Little Pony Love Story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora